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Acne degrees: understand the different types of treatment

Acne degrees: understand the different types of treatment

Acne grade 1

In grade 1 the patient shows slight signs of acne. Basically, the skin is generally oily and has the? or comedones that may be open or closed. Some comedones may develop into inflammation and those that are open may have a black dot in the hole that represents the skin and fat glands that may be influenced by local bacteria.

Grade 1 acne treatment

At this stage , the dermatologist can opt for soaps, specific exfoliators and if the number of blackheads is very large, creams that are usually composed of mild to moderately strong acids.

The components of soaps and exfoliants can be salicylic acid, sulfur, benzoyl peroxide others. And the creams prescribed at this stage may consist of salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, attractant, glycolic acid or derivatives of retinaldehydes.

Peeling (application sessions can often also be indicated:

of stronger acid by the dermatologist)

  • Smooth skin abrasion with simple appliances, which clean the comedones or the inflamed pimples themselves.
  • Grade 2 acne
  • In grade 2 acne, besides the lesions (wounds, in the case the comedones) described in grade 1, there are inflamed, reddish papules (small wounds), some with the presence of pus.

Treatments for acne grade 2

Soaps and exfoliants are still part of the treatment, but the creams already need to be stronger, sometimes made up of antibiotics. At this stage, if the doctor considers it important, a medicine consumed by mouth may be prescribed. These medicines may be specific antibiotics, or prescribing isotretinoin, especially in cases where small scars are formed that are difficult to treat in the future.

The creams now have a higher percentage of active ingredients than prescribed for acne 1 and active substances such as retinoids are already indicated and may be associated with antibiotics such as erythromycin or clindomycin more often. The major problem with acne grade 2 is the scars and color changes of the skin due to the inflammatory process. Many dermatologists regard isotretinoin as the first indication for treatment by avoiding those sequelae that are difficult to treat. Grade 9 Acne Grade 3 generally has grade 2 characteristics with respect to lesions that the skin exhibits,

Treatments for grade 3 acne

In addition to the therapeutic options described in grade 2, antibiotics are prescribed more frequently, also considering the possibility of specific contraceptive use for girls , if the condition is also related to the menstrual cycle (hormonal disorders).

This is a stage in which isotretinoin is often considered as one of the first indications. This drug has some side effects, the most serious being the teratogenic effect, that is, causing very serious deformities in the fetus, such as absence or changes in limbs, among others. Therefore, when prescribed for girls, one should be sure that she will be using at least two contraceptive methods during treatment with the daily involvement of the parents.It is a drug that is not "lent" to anyone because of serious side effects. Dry mouth, flaking lips, dry mucous membranes occur in one hundred percent of patients with its use, in addition to other effects that must be understood before its use. Isotretinoin should not be used with other drugs, especially tetracycline and its derivatives.

Treatments should be presented and discussed with the patient because the majority only controls acne and if there is no continuous control with the dermatologist the results may be In grade 4 acne there are basically cysts and some of them confluent forming what is called "conglobata". The junction of these? Cysts? or collections of pus are painful and inevitably result in unsightly scars.

Grade 4 acne treatment

This stage responds poorly to most treatments and isotretinoin becomes the drug of choice, unless specific contraindications are detected by the dermatologist . This is a more serious picture that can occur with pain and even fever. In some moments there is a need for surgical intervention to empty the secretions.

There are auxiliary treatments, such as photodynamic therapy, LEDs, intense light and others in the treatment arsenal of actions grade 2,3 and 4 depending on the medical criterion.

Gel nails: what to do at home?

Gel nails: what to do at home?

Gel nails are nails made from a thin, transparent gel. This material can be placed on the nail and shaped according to the shape and size that the person prefers, which is a stretch, usually indicated for those who have the custom of nail biting. Or it is possible to only make gel enamel, in this case applied directly on the original nail.


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Fear of doing plastic surgery should be discussed with the surgeon

It is common for us to come across people who harbor great fear of surgical procedures for aesthetic purposes, especially a few in particular, such as liposuction. Due to a lack of disclosure of more enlightening information about plastic surgery and greater media attention in covering cases of error or complications, many myths and taboos have been created that result in a fear beyond normal.
