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Adopting an animal is good for the body and soul

Adopting an animal is good for the body and soul

If you do not have pets , it's time to adopt one. It has already been proven that the company of an animal can bring numerous benefits. A study conducted by the Department of Experimental Psychology of USP showed that living with a pet strengthens the immune system of children and adults, decreases stress levels and incidence of common diseases, such as colds. "Animals teach us to care for our neighbor, to have responsibility, to give without expecting anything in return, and to show what unconditional love is. Often we do not get this kind of relationship with other human beings because the bonds can be filled with interest "With the animals we can learn to relate better and put it into practice with other people," says psychologist Cecília Zylberstajn.

Who has a pet does not know what it is to be alone - Photo: Getty Images

And the advantages do not stop there. "Research shows that people who have dogs, for example, have fewer health problems because of their less sedentary lifestyle." When taking the animal to walk, the person exercises daily and has greater well-being, "he adds. Cecília.

The veterinarian, Vanessa Requejo, from CãoMinhando, says that by caressing and having fun with the animal, an adult releases endorphin, which helps relieve stress. The walks and walks give physical conditioning.

The living with animals can make all the difference in childhood. The veterinarian explains that if there is contact early, the child will hardly be allergic to the hairs and saliva of the animals, will be more active, will learn about responsibility and will become more mature knowing about diseases and death of their pets. older people feel more useful with the responsibility of caring for a pet. "An elderly person feels more alive in the company of animals," said Vanessa Requejo, "because they have animals makes solitude not a burden."

Only those who have a pet friend know what it is like to get home and be well received even though you have spent the whole day outside. The begging eyes are irresistible and a smile is ripped off with each tail wag. Who has a pet does not know what it is to be alone.

Treating an animal as a bad person

Who wants to maintain a healthy relationship with their pet needs to know that it is exactly that. An animal. We live in an individualistic world and the psychologist Cecília Zylberstajn says that having animals turned a cry for help against loneliness. Treating a pet as a person can do a lot of harm to pets and owners. "Animals need to be treated like animals, with respect, care, and love." They need exercise, discipline, and care, not expensive clothing, manicures, jewelry, and accessories. owners transfer their needs to animals. "They create in their animals a kind of alter-ego, that is, a second personality. They talk about pets as if they were theirs," explains the psychologist. That is, an unhealthy relationship is established. Therefore, one must learn to resist the temptation to treat them as children.

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