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Bodybuilding improves performance in the race

Bodybuilding improves performance in the race

It is important that runners also practice bodybuilding.

Why do people who run need to do bodybuilding?

Muscle strengthening is important in all phases of the race, varying according to the evolution and goals of the runner. In the beginning, force work mainly acts as a protective factor to the joints like hip, knees and ankles, since these joints are the ones that receive the most impact at the moment of the race. The joints are involved by muscles that, when strengthened, act in the stabilization of the same avoiding injuries. After this phase, bodybuilding and other work of strength and muscular endurance help to improve the performance of the runner and reach your goals.

How often is bodybuilding oriented if a person only wants to ensure a safe run?

In general terms, for leisure runners, it is indicated that there is a frequency of 2 times a week of training for each muscle group or according to individual need and goals. It is worth remembering the importance of covering the whole body, since the muscles involved in the support of the posture help in a good development of the race as well. However, prioritizing the lower segments can be a strategy if the goal of the rider is only related to the race.

What should be the strength of the bodybuilder of someone who just wants to ensure a safe race?

To ensure a safe race , the intensity of bodybuilding should be moderate, with 2 to 3 exercises for larger groups such as pectoralis and 2 exercises for smaller groups, such as triceps. In general, 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions for each exercise, prioritizing the work of muscular endurance. However, if there are more specific objectives, the choice of the type of workout and exercise load will be defined according to the needs of the practitioner: for short runs such as 5 and 10 km, the work can be done with short runs and more loads (3 to 4 series and 6 to 12 repetitions, for example), since in this type of running the fast twitch fibers of the muscle are more required when compared to the requirement of the fibers of slow contraction (longer runs such as the half marathon and marathon). For long distances, training can be with smaller loads and more repetitions, such as 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions. In any case, the beginner should progressively progress in bodybuilding until he is adapted to more specific training.

What are the best bodybuilding exercises for those who run?

The choice of exercises should be oriented in order to from the trunk and upper limb muscles to more specific exercises for the lower limbs, such as strengthening of the hip flexors, adductors, abductors, and anterior tibial muscles (the cinnamon muscle responsible for dorsal flexion of the foot, which is the lifting motion of the forefoot required in the race), as well as the strengthening of the quadriceps (thigh), hamstrings (hindquarters of the thigh), buttocks and calves muscles.

In addition to force work, it is important that there is attention to flexibility exercises, especially for lower limbs, since lack of stretching can hinder the performance of a good past risk of injury when shots and more intense runs are performed. For good bodybuilding and running performance, it is indicated that lower limb training does not occur on the same days of running training.

How does bodybuilding interfere with runner performance?

Running economy represents the interaction between physiological and biomechanical factors that is usually defined as the amount of energy used for a certain speed or time of movement. Thus, in addition to the protective factor of bodybuilding, specific resistance training or quick force aid in running the runner, improving recruitment of muscle fibers, reduction of foot contact with the ground and other factors involved with running economy and,

Other types of power and power work, such as jumps, climb shots, and specific workouts in bodybuilding assist muscle response when the course of any race is varied, such as uphill, overtaking and eventual jumping of obstacles. Although resistance work is prioritized for long-distance corridors, training these aspects improves other capabilities involved in the practice. In all cases, consult a trainer for better organization of training and periodization involving running and bodybuilding.

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