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Cholesterol is not a health villain. Know Your 9 Functions in Your Body

Cholesterol is not a health villain. Know Your 9 Functions in Your Body

Cholesterol is often referred to as being a fat. This is often people's first mistake on the subject. In fact, it is an alcohol with a structure similar to that of a hormone, which behaves like a fat, being insoluble in water and blood. Cholesterol, however, has a film of a compound called lipoprotein, which functions as a kind of coating, making it soluble in water and can be transported through the blood. Lipoproteins are described in terms of their density. In general, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) transports cholesterol from cells to the liver, since low-density lipoprotein (LDL) carries cholesterol into cells. Hence the distinction between the two types of cholesterol.

We refer to HDL as good cholesterol and LDL to bad cholesterol. However both HDL and LDL play an important role in the body's biochemistry. And, amazingly, they bring benefits to the body. Some of them are:

Cholesterol is needed for the correct function of the serotonin receptors in the brain, a substance that promotes well-being.

1. Your body uses cholesterol to produce hormones that help fight stress and protect you from heart disease and cancer.

2. Your body needs cholesterol to produce all the sex hormones, including androgen, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and DHEA.

3. Your body uses cholesterol to produce vitamin D, vital for the bones and nervous system, growth, mineral metabolism, muscle tone, insulin production, reproduction and functioning of the immune system. Bile salts are made from cholesterol. Bile is vital for the digestion and assimilation of fat from food.

5. Cholesterol acts as an antioxidant, protecting us from free radical damage that leads to heart disease and cancer.

6. Cholesterol is needed for the correct function of the serotonin receptors in the brain. As serotonin is a chemical that promotes well-being, it is no surprise that low cholesterol levels correlate with aggressive and violent behavior, depression, and suicidal tendency.

7. Breast milk is especially high in cholesterol and contains a special enzyme that helps your baby use this nutrient. Babies and children need foods high in cholesterol for their growth guaranteeing the development of the brain and nervous system.

8. Feeding cholesterol plays an important role in maintaining bowel health. This is why vegetarian eating with low cholesterol can lead to porous bowel syndrome in addition to other intestinal problems.

9. The body uses cholesterol to repair damaged cells. This means that high cholesterol levels are actually beneficial. What is said about fat and cholesterol to harden the arteries is how to accuse white blood cells as the cause of infection, rather than helping the immune system repair the problem.

Nausea, nausea and vomiting: what causes these discomforts and how to avoid them

Nausea, nausea and vomiting: what causes these discomforts and how to avoid them

Everyone has felt, at some point in their life, that malaise that may even evolve into a vomiting picture. The causes are varied: excessive alcoholic beverage, inadequate feeding, emotional problems, car trips and even a possible pregnancy. In many cases, nausea, nausea, and vomiting can be avoided with simple attitudes such as changes in eating habits, travel posture tips, and moving vehicles as well as medicines that relieve discomfort.


How often should a dental examination be performed with x-rays?

How often should a dental examination be performed with x-rays?

The frequency with which rays Dental x-rays, also known as x-rays, should be done depending on the individual needs of each. An x-ray dental examination may reveal damage to the non-visible oral structures during a common examination. Among the problems that can be detected by radiographic examination are small areas of dental caries between the teeth or under restorations, bone infections, periodontal disease, abscesses or cysts, developmental abnormalities and some types of tumors.
