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Complications of alcoholism range from reflux to various cancers

Complications of alcoholism range from reflux to various cancers

About 2.5 million people die annually from alcohol consumption. In addition, many damages can occur with the health of those who consume this drug in excess, including damage to organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the esophagus, alcohol can cause gastroesophageal reflux disease by promoting relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter, esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), with risk of Barrett's esophagus formation and evolution to esophageal cancer. When vomiting occurs, it is possible that the esophagus is lacerated and consequently high gastrointestinal bleeding occurs.

It should be noted that fermented beverages can lead to these diseases, but distilled beverages have an even greater risk.

In the stomach gastritis is a frequent complication and, in more severe cases, the formation of gastric ulcer. Alcohol is capable of slowing gastric emptying, allowing the fermentation of food residues and the formation of gases, generating sensation of fullness.

Diarrhea and malabsorption syndrome, with varying degrees of lack of various macro and micronutrients, may result from the use of alcohol, including causing neurological complications such as peripheral neuropathy and dementia. Other consequences for the gut are constipation and worsening of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, in addition to formation of bleeding mucosal lesions.

In the liver, alcohol, and especially products resulting from its metabolism (eg acetaldehyde and free radicals) are toxic to hepatocytes. In this way, we have varying degrees of injury, ranging from the simple change of liver enzymes and steatosis (accumulation of fat in the liver) to acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis, leading in some cases to irreversible liver failure and cirrhosis of the liver. > In the case of hepatic steatosis abdominal pain is common. In acute hepatitis, other than pain, fatigue, jaundice, malaise, pruritus, with risk of liver failure and death may occur. However, as the liver has a considerable functional reserve, the individual may only present symptoms at an advanced stage when the changes are no longer reversible by stopping alcohol consumption. In these cases of cirrhosis, alcohol withdrawal considerably improves quality of life and prolongs survival. It is worth mentioning that fewer than half of chronic alcoholics will develop cirrhosis of the liver, since other environmental and genetic factors are also involved.

The result of alcohol abuse in the pancreas includes acute and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis is caused by inflammation of the organ after an alcoholic libation episode, being potentially fatal, but reversible with abstinence. Chronic pancreatitis is an irreversible alteration that eventually leads to complications such as diabetes, dysabsorptive syndrome with steatorrhea and chronic abdominal pain. Another observed complication of alcoholic pancreatitis is the formation of pseudocysts, with risk of infection (abscess formation), rupture, compression of adjacent structures and abdominal pain. As with the liver in relation to cirrhosis, only a minority of chronic alcoholics will develop these pancreatic complications, which seems to be related to dietary and hereditary factors.

Cancer risk also increases considerably with alcohol consumption. Among the neoplasms we can mention:

tongue cancer

  • pharyngeal cancer
  • esophageal cancer - by the direct effect on the mucosa and by the facilitation of gastroesophageal reflux
  • stomach cancer
  • bowel cancer
  • pancreatic cancer - risk observed in patients who consume cigarettes and alcohol
  • liver cancer
  • Once with liver cirrhosis, even stopping the use of the drug does not eliminate this greater chance of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.

It should be noted that fermented beverages may lead to these diseases, but distilled beverages carry an even greater risk. Stopping drinking is a very positive factor, which can cure or at least help control symptoms, as well as improve the prognosis of people with complications from this drug.

Your PMS can be a pregnancy?

Your PMS can be a pregnancy?

Many symptoms that are common in PMS also occur early in pregnancy. But before we begin, it is worth remembering that Pre Menstrual Tension (PMS) is the set of physical, behavioral, and affective symptoms and signs that appear cyclically and repetitively in the second half of the menstrual cycle. These symptoms occur with progesterone which is a hormone that appears after ovulation a week or two before menstruation.


How often should a dental examination be performed with x-rays?

How often should a dental examination be performed with x-rays?

The frequency with which rays Dental x-rays, also known as x-rays, should be done depending on the individual needs of each. An x-ray dental examination may reveal damage to the non-visible oral structures during a common examination. Among the problems that can be detected by radiographic examination are small areas of dental caries between the teeth or under restorations, bone infections, periodontal disease, abscesses or cysts, developmental abnormalities and some types of tumors.
