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Creative options make the breakfast of the most delicious

Creative options make the breakfast of the most delicious

There is a child who jumps out of bed hungry and rushes to the breakfast table, but has the stubborn jerk who wrings his nose at the more elaborate menus.

Hence, there is an airplane to get around the situation. However, as it is the first meal of the day, breakfast is essential for the health and growth of the little ones and can not be overlooked.

In addition to providing the energy needed for a full day of mischief and studies, it balances the body's functions and avoids problems such as lack of nutrients and obesity.

"Food is the fuel of the body. When we skip this meal, we become more tired and uncared for.As the child's body is in training, it needs even more fuel than adults, and breakfast ensures that important nutrients are on the menu, "explains Nutritionist Giovana Longo

Breakfast of children

Complete menu

The specialist stresses that the ideal breakfast for a child is composed of:

- A source of protein: milk and derivatives

A source of carbohydrate: breads and cereals

-A regulator: fruits

Attitudes that work

The nutritionist explains that adults can invest in resources that help to arouse children's interest in food. It is this childhood awareness that will generate adults with healthier habits and a better quality of life.

1) Colored cooking

Children perceive the world through sensations. For them, colors, sounds and shapes are superimportant at this stage of development, so colorful foods and cutlery are strong allies when it comes to convincing them to eat in the morning:

"a fruit salad on the plate of a cartoon character, a two-color vitamin in the airplane-shaped cup, or a sandwich stuffed with color and scents work as a gimmick for food. "

Breakfast ensures that important nutrients are in the menu

2) Know how to present food

Adults should not give up including important nutrients in their children's food, just because they were turned down once.

The key is to give the food a new face. That's right, disguise them on the plate. "If the child does not like milk, try mixing cereals with food or preparing a fruit vitamin." If the problem is with the vegetables, put them in a whole decorated sandwich. talk about the health benefits in an adult way, use the creativity and conquer the taste of the little ones, "says Giovana.

3) Start the day well

How about having the first meal of the day with the whole family together ? With everyone around the table, there is no better way to demonstrate to the child that breakfast is important for everyone, in addition, the conversation and the fellowship of the occasion strengthen family ties. "To break this rejection to the If the father or mother does not eat in the morning, the child will understand that this meal is not that important and will not want it either.

Children's breakfast

4) Creating superheroes and princesses

Awaken children's interest in breakfast, using arguments in a playful way. For boys, it is worth saying that they will be strong as Ben 10 or Spiderman, because the ideal of strength and masculinity is present in boys since childhood and this will convince them to eat.

Girls are more sensitive and need to establish a relationship of joy and pleasure with the coffee hour. "Positive comparisons with princesses and idols help make eating a healthy joke," says Giovana.5) Intelligence that goes in the dish

An infallible weapon against the rejection of children in relation to breakfast is intelligence. Competition is a mark of the little ones and in the universe of children, going poorly in school or being less parochial by teachers than other colleagues is a sign of weakness, so the specialist suggests: "explain to the child that without breakfast, she she will be less willing and the income in the school can worsen. She will not want to lose to the classmate. "

What should not be done

- Negative stimuli generate an ambiguous relationship between the child and the food, causing it to regard food as a way to obtain something material and this should not happen in any way: "the child can not see the food as a way to reach the desired object.


choose to offer the small ones the industrialized versions, rich in vitamins, fibers and nutrients that turbiname the breakfast and give rise for the whole day. Let go of those products that carry exaggerated doses of sugar, trans fat, sodium and have a high calorie content. Breakfast of children

What can breakfast do for children? According to the nutritionist at Unifesp's Center for Pediatrics, skipping breakfast can have serious consequences for children, such as:


"as the child stops eating early in the morning along the day will try to compensate for the lack of nutrients in other meals.It is a natural mechanism that leads to obesity. "

- Nutrients:

" if the child does not eat a proper breakfast or stop eating at this time it can also, when it does not compensate in other meals, become anemic and even malnourished, "says Giovana. -Lack of Attention:

Food is essential for learning. Without them, memory and concentration slow down, hampering schooling. -Difficulty of growth:

children who are not properly fed may face problems in developing height: "bones and other tissues do not enough fuel to grow and end up parking, "explains Giovana.

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How to deal with children at puberty who do not accept body changes?

The onset of puberty is marked by the first bodily changes, which occur in late childhood and early adolescence. Everyone knows they will, but no one knows when they will start. It is quite common for the teenager to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed by this new body that he does not identify as his own.


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Celeste says she felt like screaming at her husband, because every day she was the one who took care of the baby. "The least you can do is hold him down for a few hours at night so I can try to sleep," she said in her breath. The woman still reflects on the habits of the past. "Our mothers were the main caretakers and our parents were relatively helpful .
