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Depression and chronic stress accelerate aging

Depression and chronic stress accelerate aging

A study of Umeå University in Sweden and published in the journal Biological Psychiatry , people with frequent episodes of depression or exposed to chronic stress have their accelerated aging . This is because these people have the shorter telomere in the blood cells called white blood cells. The telomer is the outermost part of the chromosome (structure present in cells). With increasing age, they shorten, and studies have shown that oxidative stress and inflammation accelerate this shortening. Thus, telomere size is a measure of biological aging.

The study included 91 patients with recurrent depression and 451 healthy people in the control group. The length of telomeres, measured by white blood cells, is shorter among patients with depression compared to the control group.

Stress tests have shown that cortisol levels - indicative of chronic stress - are associated with lower telomeres, both in people with depression and in healthy people. Thus, people with depression have lower telomeres compared to healthy ones, and this can be explained by the fact that those who suffer from depression have greater disturbances in the regulation of cortisol. According to the study authors, the results show the importance of regulating cortisol and stress to combat depressive disorders and aging cells.

I have depression and now?

Bet on foods that relieve depression and stress

With life running, it is inevitable to feel the effects of pressure. However, there are ways to soften these symptoms. What about relieving stress through eating? There are some foods that can help you!

Lettuce: substances found mainly in leaf stems like lactucine and lactupicrine, act as natural calming agents. Spinach and broccoli: prevent depression. They contain potassium and folic acid, important for the proper functioning of cells, as well as magnesium, phosphate and vitamins A and C and Complex B, which ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Fish and seafood: decrease fatigue and anxiety because they contain zinc and selenium, which act directly on the brain. Whole grains and chocolate (in moderation) are also great sources of zinc. Selenium can also be found in canned tuna and turkey meat.

Orange: promotes better functioning of the nervous system. It is a great muscle relaxant, helps fight stress and prevent fatigue. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C, calcium and Vitamins Complex B. Vitamin C intake inhibits the release of cortisol, the main stress-related hormone in the body. Chestnut: improves symptoms of depression, aiding in the reduction of stress. It is also rich in selenium, a powerful antioxidant. One unit per day already provides the recommended daily allowance of 350mg.

B-complex vitamin-rich foods: When stress is present, the body uses glucose in a disordered way, then consuming muscle proteins as energy source. The ideal is then to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates and an extra dose of lean protein such as: milk powder, cheese mines, almonds and meat that contains vitamin B12; egg, milk, banana, oats, potatoes, rich in vitamin B6.

Passionfruit: Contrary to popular belief, the fruit is not soothing but its leaves. The leaves contain alkaloids and flavonoids, depressants of the central nervous system (CNS), the brain and the spinal cord, responsible for sensitivity and awareness. Therefore, they act as analgesics and muscle relaxants.

Protein Molecule May Be Key To Treatments Against Oral Cancer

Protein Molecule May Be Key To Treatments Against Oral Cancer

A protein molecule known as a cytokine that stimulates the inflammatory process in diseases such as arthritis, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis may be the key in the development of oral cancer treatments, according to Taiwanese researchers. > As reported online in the journal Molecular Cancer Research in August, scientists at the National Cheng Kung University have explored the role of a cytokine called Interleukin-20 (or IL-20) in tumor progression in oral cancer.


Zika virus is found in salivary gland of common mosquito, points study

Zika virus is found in salivary gland of common mosquito, points study

Researchers from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in Pernambuco found the active Zika virus in the salivary gland and in the intestine of the Culex mosquito, the common stilt. The result shows that the virus has managed to escape some barriers in the mosquito and reached the salivary gland. However, despite the result, according to the researchers, it is still early to tell if Culex is capable of transmitting Zika virus.
