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Difficulty losing weight may be a symptom of other problems

Difficulty losing weight may be a symptom of other problems

Losing weight is no easy task. Even eating less and exercising, sometimes we find it difficult to lose the extra pounds. The question that remains is: what could be happening? There are signs and symptoms that tell us the possible cause. Here are some weight loss blockers and some suggestions on what to do to identify them:

1. Inactive thyroid

Studies show that subclinical hypothyroidism - one that does not show up in the exams - is becoming more common, but the person has all the symptoms. If you notice that your metabolism is slow, you are gaining weight for no apparent reason, or you are having a hard time losing weight, your thyroid may be in trouble.

To find out if something is wrong, do a lab test and see how it is

Other symptoms that deserve attention are: extreme fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, slow bowel, hair loss, very weak nails, dry skin, joint pain or even depression. To find out if something is wrong, do some laboratory tests and see how your TSH (organ-stimulating hormone) is doing. The higher you are, the more likely the gland is working in slow mode. Research shows that it is not necessary to be well above recommended levels. The mere fact of being at rates above two is already a reason for alert.

2. Uncontrolled Hormones

Another very common problem among women is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Although not everyone with PCOS gains weight, excess body fat, especially in the waistline, is common in these cases. The woman has an increase in facial and body hair, irregular menstruation, acne and even infertility.

Weight gain can also be a side effect of some medications, such as antidepressants, hormones or birth control pills. weight ratio is common, as the problem goes hand in hand with insulin resistance that, if untreated, can lead to type 2 diabetes. In practical terms, this means that the person does not process the sugar correctly and ends up storing fat in the abdomen.

To check your metabolism for sugars, take laboratory tests and see how the sex hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, as well as glycated hemoglobin, uric acid and, of course, the rate of insulin and glucose. Ultrasound of the ovaries is also part of the diagnosis.

3. Food intolerances

Experts estimate that food intolerances affect more than one in 10 people. Many times they go unnoticed because they do not present immediate symptoms. When we eat something that is not properly digested though, the body reacts with bloating, diarrhea or constipation as well as mild asthma, eczema or skin problems, headaches, muscle and joint aches and fatigue. The causes can range from over-eating of the same food daily or a lack of digestive enzymes.

All this has discouraged metabolism because the nutrients needed for cellular energy are spent on another activity in the body. To lose weight, the intestine must be in perfect condition, because only then will it be able to absorb the nutrients so that the body can use them properly.

If you consume dairy products, wheat (even whole wheat flour) , soy, corn, eggs and oilseeds (nuts, peanuts) in excess, plus many industrialized products with preservatives and dyes (all products in a box or bag), you may be at risk of swelling more and more.]

4. Weight gain may also be a side effect of some medications, such as antidepressants, hormones, or birth control pills. They can change their weight in a few weeks after the start of use or even take months. In other words, the effect may occur throughout the use of the drug.

What to do?

If you have identified yourself with any of the above problems it is time to seek medical and, above all, nutritional advice. Good nutrition can help solve these problems through a functional menu with herbal medicines and nutritional supplements. Functional nutrition can help a lot more than you realize!

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