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Eating habits can worsen migraine attacks, know them

Eating habits can worsen migraine attacks, know them

Headache is one of the most common complaints in modern life: 76% of women and 57% of men have at least one episode of headache per month.

Much is said about migraine - this disease affects 12 to 15% of the population in Brazil. Symptoms are common: pain of varying intensity, throbbing, usually on one side of the head (but can be both). It may be accompanied by annoyance with light and noise. You may also come with nausea, vomiting or vision changes (a person sees spots or lights before or during the crisis).

The crisis can last from 4 to 72 hours, when untreated - the most important is to establish treatment right away in the onset of pain. The Brazilian Headache Society recommends the use of at most two analgesic tablets per week to cut the pain. This is because one of the major problems in this disease is chronic pain, which is due to the abuse of analgesics.

What is migraine?

This is a benign but very life-threatening disease, worsening labor productivity and disrupting social events. Unfortunately, migraine does not only affect adults - 4 to 8% of children suffer from migraine, and complaints are often considered "excuses" for not doing things or missing school.

Triggers for pain

There are a number of causes for migraine, including genetics, hormone cycle, and some "triggers", such as:

- Eating Mistakes: Having no food triggers migraine by falling sugar. of carbohydrates and sweets after prolonged fasting, also causes pain.

- Excess caffeine (coffee, matte or black tea, cola drinks, chocolates): it is recommended to take 200 to 250mg of caffeine per day. that an espresso contains 80 to 100mg of caffeine and 50mg of coarse. We should not forget that anyone who drinks a lot of coffee during the week and suspends it at the weekend may have migraine "due to withdrawal."

- Specific foods : citrus fruits, nuts, cheeses, as well as those rich in monosodium glutamate (snack foods) and wine may aggravate migraine.

Changing sleep: either poor sleep or exaggerated sleep can trigger pain.

  • - Anxiety, irritation and emotional lability: these factors are associated with headache crisis.
    "> Sedentary: Serotonin produced by physical activity can prevent the crisis or decrease the intensity of pain.
  • We have seen that with some changes, it is possible to improve the quality of life of those who have migraines. By paying attention to these details, the pains will decrease considerably. Do not forget to always have medical follow-up, after all, with migraines do not play! Today, there are effective drug treatments, but the improvements also depend on your lifestyle. Therefore, invest in a food that will not trigger for more pain.

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