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Encourage your child to feel like going back to school

Encourage your child to feel like going back to school

Back to school for many children has a bitter taste. They suffer to resume the routine and parents end up twice as tired, because of the wear and tear of the first few days. To avoid this suffocation, the ideal is to make a moderate transition from the rhythm. "There are parents who come back on a Sunday night trip and they think it's bad because the son gives work to get up early the next day," says psychiatrist Quézia Bombonatto. According to her, the child needs three days of adjustment, waking up, sleeping and eating at certain times.

Only the improvement in the disposition, however, is not enough for the restart to occur in a quiet way. We need to get into the back-to-school mood by encouraging the child to feel like going to school. "The family's performance is very important in this process, parents need to believe in the pedagogical project of the school, so they will have the security to react when the student makes morning to attend classes," says Quézia Bombonatto. child needs to be valued, of course. If he resists too much, complaining about his friends or his teacher, it has to be investigated. But parents can not let go of firmness or view childish crying as a threat. "As the child does not yet have a strong argument, she uses tantrums to blackmail adults. If there are no limits, the lesson is: the more she sings, the more she can manipulate people," says the specialist.


Show what's good in school:

strategy is important especially for children who have never studied and for those who needed to change schools. If possible, go with your child to meet the rooms, recreation settings, inspectors, and whatever else you think might serve as a stimulus. 2. Strengthen friendships:

school is a place where your child meets other children and makes new friends. 3. Take him to buy school supplies: notebooks, carrying cases, colored pencils ... the child can not wait to debut the new material. Try to arrange for the purchase before the start of class.

4. Give examples, showing that every child goes to school: this helps to break with the Idea of ​​which school is synonymous with punishment.

5. Talk about playful activities: paints, brushes, modeling clay and crayons attract the child's attention. Discuss with your child the activities that he will carry out.

Parents are examples for children in their attitudes and habits at all times

Parents are examples for children in their attitudes and habits at all times

It is amazing to stop and think about how much we are an example to our children 24 hours a day. Parents are the child's first behavioral reference, so it is common for them to copy not only talking and walking, but also attitudes and habits of life. This can make us terrified, or even robotic trying to control this or that other example, but the idea is not this.


Ask your questions about eating disorder during pregnancy

Ask your questions about eating disorder during pregnancy

Many eating disorders are being identified - each day they become a more serious problem to be faced. Eating disorders are severe eating disorders, especially identified among women. However, cases have been increasing significantly among men. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most known syndromes.
