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Ensure pregnancy and healthy sex with these exams

Ensure pregnancy and healthy sex with these exams

When a couple decide initiate sex or intend to have children, maximum health care is essential. Partners need to avoid habits that impair fertility - in the case of the desire for a pregnancy - such as smoking, alcoholism, drugs, stress and excessive pollution. The adoption of new habits is also necessary, such as cultivating good eating habits, exercising and controlling BMI, all with medical follow-up.

There are also a series of tests that should be done to ensure that none of the partners have any STDs or any disease that could harm maternity.

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Double dose health!

If the goal is to have children or even ensure that the couple's health is up to date, basic tests should be done by both so that sexual intercourse is free from disease and a future baby is born healthy. According to the gynecologist Edílson Ogeda, from the Hospital Samaritano, general examinations, such as blood count, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, evaluation of thyroid hormones, research for diabetes and more specific tests for old age, such as cardiology, should also be done to guarantee the good -be. Check out the most important ones:

1. VDRL: is the most sensitive for screening for syphilis. According to the specialist in Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine Wagner Busato, if this test is positive, confirmation with the TPHA and FTA-ABS exams, which are more specific, must be confirmed.

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2. ABO blood group and Rh factor: this test should be done to verify an ABO and RH factor incompatibility in the newborn, which will inherit the characteristics of the parents. "If the future mother is Rh negative and the future father is Rh positive, during the prenatal pregnancy the pregnant woman should be immunized with an anti-Rh vaccine," says the specialist. In this way, any factor incompatibility between the baby and the mother is avoided, saving them from complications.

3. Hepatitis B and C: transmission of hepatitis B virus to the baby can occur if either parent has a viral load - however minimal - on the sperm, blood, or vaginal secretions. "Currently, newborns are already vaccinated in the maternity ward, but not all adults have received the HBV vaccine."

It is therefore important that both parents take the vaccine before attempting to have children, to avoid the disease during pregnancy. In the case of the future father or mother already having the virus, treatment through assisted reproduction techniques, which isolates the virus and prevents the contamination of embryos, is needed.

There is still no vaccine against the Hepatitis C virus, but this disease is not transmissible through sexual intercourse. If one of the spouses is a carrier, it should be treated to avoid high viral loads in pregnancy, saving the baby from possible transmission.

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4. HIV: Although the disease does not often affect individuals outside risk factors (blood transfusion, multiple sexual partners, injecting drug use, etc.), the test should be performed.

According to Wagner, case If the disease is confirmed, the individual should undergo control and treatment before attempting pregnancy. When a spouse or both are infected, assisted reproduction techniques and prenatal treatments are done to prevent infection of the fetus.

"A woman who is diagnosed with HIV during pregnancy can take retroviral drugs, reducing transmission from 25% to 8%, "says the gynecologist Edilson.

5. Parasitological: although it is not as essential, faecal examination is recommended to screen for parasitological diseases that the couple may have contracted, avoiding the risk of transmitting these problems to the baby or generating complications during pregnancy. "The examination is optional and can be preceded in healthy individuals," says Wagner.

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Woman's test battery

When it comes to sex and children, a woman needs to take a care series. Keeping your health on track and taking care that your baby does not take any risks during pregnancy is more than critical. Therefore, it is important to go through this battery of exams below, which help ensure greater safety in sex and gestation.

1. Rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus: These diseases are detected by blood test. If the mother who has one of these problems does not receive the appropriate treatment, the fetus may suffer anomalies. "In the case of rubella, there are vaccines that are already available to girls in school," says Wagner.

2. Vaginal Cytology or Pap Smear: is the HPV virus identification test. This examination is of fundamental importance because the disease can progress to genital cancer in both men and women, as well as the possibility of contaminating the fetus. There are already vaccines developed for HPV prevention for use in women and men.

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3. Colposcopy: According to Edilson, colposcopy is a complementary examination of the vaginal cytology, in which the physician examines with magnifying glasses the female genital organs, looking for lesions suggestive of HPV and cancer of the cervix. According to experts, this test should be done annually - or at shorter intervals in specific cases - in all women who have started sex.

4. Pelvic or transvaginal ultrasound: is a routine examination for any woman who has initiated sexual intercourse because she is very sensitive in the internal genital assessment of the woman. Therefore, in addition to being recommended for those who wish to become pregnant, they should also be done periodically by sexually active women.

5. Hormonal dosages: This test is recommended for women who are over 35 and wish to become pregnant or women with menstrual irregularities. The goal is to check that the ova and ovaries are healthy and performing their functions properly.

Spermogram and peniscopy to ensure male health

For men, specific tests are simpler. "The spermogram, or semen analysis, is the fastest and most objective way of assessing male reproductive potential," says Wagner. It should be done even in men with normal erectile function and ejaculatory function and is even indicated for those who have had children.

According to specialists, the ideal is that men should be properly trained to collect sperm and

The penis examination is equivalent to colposcopy for HPV screening and is indicated when the partner's examination is altered or in cases of sexual promiscuity, even if the man does not have symptoms.

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