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Escape the fad diets to lose weight

Escape the fad diets to lose weight

To lose weight, it takes planning, changing eating habits, practicing physical activities and, most importantly, willpower! But it takes a certain amount of time to eliminate the unwanted pounds. You can not lose tens of pounds overnight. Against this assertion, "fad diets" promise fast and effective weight loss. These are the famous restrictive diets, those that forbid you from eating a particular food group or restrict you to just one of these groups, such as eating only protein or never eating carbohydrates.

Only these diets are very dangerous and can cause serious damage the health. Although these diets seem to be an easier route, they do not supply all of our body's needs, as well as trigger disease, such as anemia.

"The right diet is one with a menu that provides all the nutrients in the recommended amount at the end of the day.To achieve this, only with a variety of foods, "explains nutritionist Dieta e Saúde, Roberta Stella.

Restrictive Diet - Photo Getty Images

Atkins Diet

So it is popularly called the diet that prohibits the consumption of any carbohydrate and allows consumption at will of fats and proteins. The diet is named after being developed by US cardiologist Dr. Roberto Atkins. Stopping eating carbohydrates slims, because the body, instead of using glucose from carbohydrates for energy, starts to use and burn fat. "In normal conditions, the body breaks down carbohydrates, which turn into glucose molecules. They are the main source of energy for the body and brain," explains Stella.

With the lack of carbohydrates and the burning of the fat to generate energy, the body begins to produce in excess the so-called ketone bodies, which are substances that provide energy for the body as well as glucose, but in a smaller quantity. According to Roberta, when the body stops having carbohydrates as a source of energy and only produces the ketone bodies, they will be excreted through the body through sweat, urine and breath, leaving them with a strong smell. In addition, because the ketone cups are released by the urine, the kidneys, responsible for producing it, can become overloaded. "This type of diet is also related to discomfort, dizziness and tiredness, as well as being very monotonous and getting away from the Brazilian's eating habits."

Diet without protein

Some people believe that a diet without no consumption of protein, present in foods like meats and milk, can help in weight loss. However, proteins are known as builder nutrients because they provide amino acids that produce and regenerate tissues. "In addition, foods high in protein are also sources of other vitamins and minerals," says Roberta. That is, not consuming proteins is losing a series of nutrients and vitamins that are essential to our health, in addition to the proteins themselves. Some examples are: red meat is a source of iron and vitamin B12. The fish, omega-3. The milk, calcium.

Shakes - Photo Getty Images

Shakes' Diet

Replacing one of the most popular foods in the world, of meals for those "slimming shakes" is also not effective. Replacing a meal with shakes can lead to nutrient deficiency and a highly restrictive diet, hampering long-term weight loss. And more: consuming only shakes leads to monotony food that, while not being detrimental to health, can lead to giving up the goal of weight loss.And if you still are not convinced to get away from this diet, know that it does not even help to burn fats. In addition to not having the optimal amount of nutrients to replace a meal, the supplement does not promote fat loss, but muscle and water, which can seriously compromise the health of the person consuming. If you exercise, this risk worsens, as the body will start to burn energy that you have not consumed.

In addition, replacing a full and balanced meal with a shake may impair chewing as our jaw will work less, and other: chewing is also part of the satiation process - when we chew something, our brain processes the feeling of "full belly."

Liquid Diet - Photo Getty Images

Liquid Diet

The juice or juices diet soups, as the name itself says, is radical: it only allows the consumption of liquids. And that by far does not seem at all healthy. Roberta confirms, saying that "restricting food groups to the detriment of others leads to a deficiency of nutrients, calories and, once again, the monotony of food. In a short time there is withdrawal." In addition, of course, of not being a proper diet. Again, a good diet is one that includes all food groups.

When we talk about a liquid-only diet, we get into the same problem as the shakes diet, since the person does not chew and the body does not gain all the nutrients and vitamins it needs, which in this case, which is more extreme than shakes, can lead to extreme fatigue and even fainting. Too much fluid also causes a kidney overload in our body, leaves our bowels lazy and the body does not absorb enough mass to produce the fecal cake, compromising the functioning of the intestinal flora.

Fruit diet

The fruit diet is similar to the diet of liquids, but a bit more "solid", since it allows the consumption of fruit not only in juice format. However, just like the previous diet, it is very restricted in food and consequently does not stimulate adherence to the weight loss project.

In addition to not giving the person all the necessary nutrients. "Fruits are excellent foods, but they do not have all the nutrients our body needs." A good diet is one that has variety, "says Roberta.

Recipe: Lemon mousse bar with coconut

Recipe: Lemon mousse bar with coconut

At the time that gives desire to eat candy can be very difficult to maintain the discipline to follow firmness in the diet. To think about it, the functional nutritionist Patricia Davidson Haiat shared a recipe for lemon mousse with coconut on her Instagram. According to her, the ingredients are very healthy and the recipe is very simple to prepare.


Collagen helps skin become more resilient and elastic

Collagen helps skin become more resilient and elastic

Approximately one-third of the protein in our body is collagen. It has a structural function, protects other less resistant tissues and allows its connection with the skeletal bone. Collagen is a protein composed of 3,000 amino acids arranged in three interlaced molecular chains, forming a kind of flexible and robust triple helix.
