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Exercises best suited for those with respiratory complications

Exercises best suited for those with respiratory complications

The practice of physical exercise can improve the quality of life for people who have breathing problems. Many times, those who suffer from chronic diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis or any other type of inflammation in the airways, have physiological limitations and end up moving away from physical activities, which is a mistake.
According to the sport physiologist Federal University of São Paulo Raul Santo, when the body of a person who has chronic lung diseases becomes accustomed to the load of exercise, it starts to use oxygen better, to breathe more easily due to the strengthening of the muscles responsible for breathing. In addition, moving the body further increases blood circulation, strengthens the heart, and lowers blood pressure.

Advance Care

Walk on the Beach- Photo Getty Images

All people who want to start doing an activity physicians should seek a specialist to make a medical evaluation. "This procedure potentiates the training, since the specific type of exercise is chosen for each individual, taking into account all their limitations," says Raul Santo.

For those who have respiratory problems, it is important to take some precautions with the objective avoiding discomforts or accidents: not doing exercises alone in isolated areas such as trails and forest parks, not exercising outside when the temperature is too high or when the weather is too dry and do not increase the load of the exercise without first consulting the

Preparation for training

Knowing how to choose the right sport is essential, but doing a special preparation for people with respiratory diseases before each workout will ensure a better performance during exercise. "Without proper warm-up and stretching well done, the body can have an immediate reaction to exercise rejection, causing injuries and difficulties. This preparation is even more welcome for people with respiratory problems," says Raul Santo.

Elderly in the pool- Photo Getty Images

There are two special exercises for people with breathing difficulties that can be done together with the specific warm-up for each mode. Try relaxing the neck and shoulder muscles and then inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Another way to prepare your breathing muscles for exercise is to lie down with your back to the floor, flex your legs, place one hand on the belly and another on the rib cage and then inhale deeply. For the exercise to take effect, the belly should rise, but the chest should continue standing. These exercises should be performed in five to ten minutes.

Most indicated exercises

Swimming is one of the most indicated alternatives for physicians to assist in the recovery or treatment of chronic lung problems. "The exercises performed in the swimming pool help increase airflow into the airways because of the higher relative humidity of the air. In addition, water acts as a vasodilator, which facilitates blood circulation and heart work," says Raul Santo .

Another benefit, according to the expert, is the aerobic activity required during swimming training. This type of exercise increases the resistance of the heart and lung by working the respiratory muscles such as the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles.

Walking or light jogging are also well indicated by doctors for those with respiratory problems. "It is a very easy exercise to adapt to every situation, and it is very efficient in controlling obesity, cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension," says Raul Santo.In addition, walking or jogging are fitness-enhancing exercises. "Many of those with respiratory complications that include walking on a day-to-day basis are more likely to play sports than healthy people who are not in the habit of walking or running During training, symptoms such as chest pain, nausea, weakness and sudden drop in pressure are signs that the person should stop immediately, according to Raul Santo, who recalls that these problems most often occur due to lack of follow-up from a professional. "People with respiratory problems should only practice those exercises indicated by their pulmonologist or their coach, who know the physiological limits of each one."

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