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Specialist answers 10 questions about pompoarismo

Specialist answers 10 questions about pompoarismo

Do you know what pompoarismo is? Many imagine that it is all about those vaginal exercises that use balls. Other people do not know that, just like a gym, he needs a lot of training. To clarify these doubts, the sexologist, psychoanalyst and teacher of pompoarismo Carmen Janssen answered the questions on the subject in our site.

1 - What is pompoarismo?

The pompoarismo consists of exercises of voluntary contraction of the perineum and the vagina. It is an ancient Indian technique, whose purpose is to increase the sexual pleasure of the couple, allowing the woman to massage the partner's penis with the vagina. These exercises contribute to the strengthening of the pelvic floor (a group of muscles and ligaments that extend from the pubic bone to the coccyx, responsible for sexual functions, the support of the rectum, bladder and reproductive organs, as well as urinary and fecal continence).

2 - What are the main benefits of pompoarismo for sex?

The exercises help women to get in touch with their body, to know their limits, to perceive sensations, to deal with feelings related to sexuality. is a tool that can contribute to the sexual development of the woman, and consequently to the sexual life of the couple.

But, it is important to remember that the technique will not work miracle and solve psychological blocks related to sexuality, especially if the focus of learning is aimed at seduction. Some people need sexual psychotherapy.

The practice of exercises promotes a vascular improvement in the pelvic region, which can contribute to increase the sexual desire of the woman. In addition to helping those who have difficulty having orgasms to learn to get there.

3 - How to practice pompoarismo and which exercises to start?

I usually teach in an individualized way, since each person has different and greater strength or less knowledge of the body itself. But for most, the exercises below are usually simple.

First of all you need to empty your bladder to prevent urine retention, which could trigger urinary infections.

As you do the contractions, look for breathe normally.

1 - Sit comfortably in a chair with your legs apart, so that you feel your vulva against the chair. This posture will allow you to focus on the pelvic muscles and, at the same time, prevent you from contracting the inner thigh muscles. This will help increase the perception of the muscles you are going to work on.

Isotonic contraction (contrac-relax): contract the perineum, suck it with 'average' strength, then relax.

Make three sets of ten

If you are a beginner, repeat these exercises once a day for at least two weeks before going to the next.

2 - Having a better knowledge of the muscles, you will contract with the same 'average' strength. But, now you will hold the perineum contracted, count to three, and relax.

Do three sets of ten contractions, resting 30 seconds between each set.

Repeat the exercises once a day for at least two weeks before going to the next.

3 - Repeat Exercise 1, but now do quick contractions, like a throb. Do three sets of 15 repetitions.

If you find it difficult and lose control of contractions, re-exercise the previous series for a few more weeks, and when you have more control over the pelvic muscles, resume the last one.

Over time, combine the three exercises. Practice five to ten minutes a day.

Do you want to have good results? So, practice every day. Try to associate the practice with some daily activity that you already do, for example, at bath time, when flossing or driving. That way, the exercises will become a healthy habit in your life forever.

People who suffer from endometriosis, pelvic inflammations, sexually transmitted infections, or urinary tract infections should expect to resolve the problem and then begin the practice. I always recommend that my students be up to date with the gynecologist's appointments and tell the doctor about the exercises, as I have seen many people exercising in an indiscriminate manner.

5 - Are the accessories necessary for pompomism?

No, the technique can be learned without the accessories and it will also strengthen the muscles. You can also insert the index or middle finger into the vagina and tighten it using a water-based lubricant.

In preventive education with healthy people, in principle, any woman can use the accessories, provided that with good guidance and hygiene criteria (washing hands and accessories), it is a good exercise to help increase the perception of the muscles. , before and after using them and not sharing them with other people.)

The woman need not be in a hurry to wear the accessories. First, she should learn to be aware of the muscles, make the contractions, press the finger with the vagina, get in touch with her own sexuality and gradually introduce the accessories.

6 - Who is pregnant can do pompoarismo ?

Pregnant women up to the first three months may experience uterine contractions, which would be dangerous for the fetus.

7 - What is the difference between pelvic physiotherapy and pompoarism?

Pompoarism is the technique of voluntary contractions of the perivaginal muscles. Pelvic physiotherapy (in general terms) is a health specialization that, although it is also in essence a preventive focus, will usually deal with the rehabilitation of the structures that form the pelvic floor (muscles, ligaments, fascia and bones), when these are weakened or injured. Therapy includes biofeedback devices, electrostimulation, associated with Kegel exercises. It all depends on the type of treatment.

8 - What is the difference between Kegel exercises and pompoarism?

Kegel exercises, which is the doctor who introduced them in the 1940s, were applied by him to combat urinary incontinence and prevent colpoperineoplasties (surgeries for "fallen bladder"). Pompoarism was practiced to promote sexual pleasure with the vagina, using complex techniques of sucking, milking, grasping, massaging and sucking the penis, among others. In both techniques there are exercises of contraction, palpitation, suction and expulsion.

9 - How important is breathing to pompoarism?

As in all physical exercises we practice, it is good to have good results. awareness of breathing is important for the preparation of exercises. Relaxation is another very important element in this process, as it helps in the execution, concentration and focus of this practice.

10 - Men can do pompoarism?

Yes, exercises help strengthen the man's pelvic floor as well. Urinary and anal incontinence (feces, flatus), overactive bladder, are health problems that affect men, women, children and young people.

Many people are ashamed to seek help, but it is necessary to seek a urologist doctor or person has access to report the problem. It is important to note that urinary incontinence does not only happen due to weakening of the pelvic muscles. Other factors such as urinary tract infections, hereditary malformations, diabetes, can trigger other types of incontinence, which require treatments that are not restricted to behavioral.

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