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Fat consumption can do good to the body

Fat consumption can do good to the body

Fats, especially saturated fats, are usually associated with health problems. Little is said, however, that ingesting certain amounts and sources of fats is essential for our body to maintain its functions in a healthy way. In fact, the consumption of the right fats protects us from a number of diseases in various organs. In this article, I will show how increasing consumption of polyunsaturated fats and the low intake of saturated fats found in coconut oil and butter can affect the health of our body.

Fats and the brain

For those who do not know, approximately 60% of our brain is composed of fat. In addition, when we consume saturated fat, our brain has a type of functioning and when we consume polyunsaturated fat, our brain burn is compromised. Phospholipids containing 50% saturated fat, aid in brain health. In a recent study, rats fed vegetable oil with a low concentration of saturated fat and low omega 3, suffered more strokes and had a decrease in life expectancy. Another important factor is the presence of phospholipids. This type of lipid, which contains 50% saturated fat, helps keep our brain healthy and functioning well.

Fats and Cells

Saturated fat maintains cellular integrity in all cells of your body. Because? Because every cell membrane is theoretically made of 50% saturated fat. When we consume too much polyunsaturated oil and little saturated fat our cells do not function properly. The fatty acids that make up the cell membrane need to be saturated so that the cell has the necessary structure and integrity in addition to working properly. When the cell wall does not contain enough saturated fat, it becomes unsupported and does not work properly. Another important role of fat is in cellular communication. Both myristic acid and palmitic acid, both of which originate from coconut oil, are involved in the complex process of cellular communication.

Fats and bones

A study published in 1996 in the American Oil Chemist Society Proceedings showed that calcium to be effectively incorporated into the skeletal structure, 50% of the fat in the diet should be saturated. Many doctors point out the growth in the number of people suffering from osteoporosis from the lack of fats like coconut oil and butter in our diet.

When we consume too much polyunsaturated oil and little saturated fat our cells do not work properly

Fat and the liver

In any biochemistry book you will find that saturated fat protects your liver against toxins like alcohol and tylenol. The tradition of consuming lard and butter before overeating is based on good science (although we should always consume alcohol and in moderation!). Today, it is possible to observe that in regions where polyunsaturated fats are most consumed, liver problems become more recurrent.

Fat and heart

Saturated fat generates energy for the heart in times of stress. Studies have shown that saturated fat also forms a protective layer around our heart. In addition, studies have shown that saturated fat in food decreases Lp (a), which (as opposed to cholesterol) is a good predictor of heart disease. What's more, saturated fat helps reduce levels of C-Reactive Protein, an indicator of inflammation, which is one of those responsible for heart disease. Levels of HDL cholesterol and LDL are not good predictors of heart disease, which appears in the same proportion in subjects with low or high cholesterol.

Fat and the lungs

Lungs do not work without adequate amount of saturated fats in the diet . This is because the fatty acids present in the lung surfactant fluid (a fluid substance that allows the lungs to function) is usually 100% saturated. When it consumes a lot of partially hydrogenated oil and vegetable oils, trans fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids, the lung starts to function in an irregular and inefficient manner thanks to the saturated fat skirt.In recent research, it has been observed that children who consume too much polyunsaturated oil are more likely to develop asthma, while those who consume more butterfat have a much lower incidence of the same disease. In fact, changes in fat-type consumption over the past 30 years explain the increased incidence of all types of lung disease, including asthma and lung cancer.

Fat and kidneys

Omega 3, saturated fat and cholesterol act together synergistically to maintain normal kidney function, which is critical for maintaining blood pressure under control and filtering toxins from the body. High consumption of polyunsaturated oils can be a kidney attack plus aggression to our brain. Coconut oil also improves kidney function by providing a saturated fatty acid called myristic acid, which plays a vital role in renal biochemistry.

Fat and hormones

Hormones are messengers of the body, acting with the brain, nervous system and glands, affecting hundreds of bodily functions. Hormones need the right fat for proper functioning; your body does not produce stress and sexual hormone without the presence of vitamin A, provided solely by animal fat foods such as liver, seafood and omega 3. In the case of consumption of wrong fat like polyunsaturated oil it promotes inhibition of production of sex hormone and stress, leading to problems with glycemia imbalance, mineral metabolism and reproduction.

You need vital nutrients

To consume all these nutrients, a good choice is coconut oil or vitamin complexes with bases in this oil. They contain:

-Vitamin A, which feeds your thyroid gland and is vital in stimulating weight loss.

-Vitamin D, which in addition to building your bones, maintains an adequate calcium level (key factor in stimulation of weight loss), helps the body cope with stress, and is needed to produce insulin and various hormones.

-Vitamin K, interferes with insulin release and blood sugar regulation, preventing obesity and diabetes.

-Vitamin E, is essential for life, we can not live without it. It has antioxidant action inhibiting the oxidation process of fats guaranteeing greater durability of coconut oil.

Catuaba can improve sexual performance

Catuaba can improve sexual performance

Actually there are several plants popularly called catuaba. The most common are the roots of Anemopaegma arvense (Bignoniaceae) typical of cerrado states such as Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, and the stem bark of Trichilia catigua ( Meliaceae), which is a small tree common in the Atlantic forest, but commercially originated in the state of Bahia.


Nuts help prevent some cancers

Nuts help prevent some cancers

Walnut is a dried fruit from the tree (9%), which is common in Europe and Asia. Like the whole group of oleaginous fruits, the nut is very caloric, having 620 kcal / 100g, losing only to Brazil nut (643 kcal / 100g ), according to the Brazilian Table of Food Composition (2011). It has an average of 60% fat, 14% protein (rich in arginine, which acts as a vasodilator, protecting the cardiovascular system) and 7% dietary fiber (which helps intestinal health).
