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Carbohydrate Foods

Carbohydrate Foods

The main function of carbohydrate is that when ingested and absorbed, it is responsible for releasing glucose, providing energy to cells by being the first source of cellular energy and doing the glycemic metabolic maintenance so that

Carbohydrate Types

  • Simple carbohydrates: They are digested and absorbed quickly making you feel hungry right after the meal, and produce an increase in blood glucose
  • Complex carbohydrates : Complex carbohydrates are slowly digested by the body, causing small and gradual increase in blood glucose. The benefits are many, because the intake is slow, the body feels satiated for longer.

Complex carbohydrates are much more nutritious because it contains a greater amount of vitamins, minerals and fibers. This slow digestion process provides a constant supply of energy and limits the amount of sugars converted to fats for a long time.

Carbohydrate foods

Carbohydrates simpleComplex carbohydrates
NoodlesWholemeal bread
White riceChickpeas
White breadSweet potatoes
Soft drinksVegetables

Recommended amount of carbohydrates

The World Health Organization recommends that the distribution of macronutrients to healthy individuals be: 55 to 75 % of carbohydrates, 10 to 15% of proteins and 15 to 30% of fats. If an individual has an energy expenditure of 2000 calories a day, it could consume from 1100 kcal to 1500 kcal from carbohydrates. In grams we would have a serving of 275g to 375g of carbohydrates.

Look for foodborne care for those who have reflux

Look for foodborne care for those who have reflux

Who has not felt the unpleasant sensation of having swallowed a ball of fire that "burns" the stomach and reaches the throat after it has fed? Well, the technical name that medicine gives to this symptom is heartburn, also known popularly as heartburn. It is estimated that about 45% of the Western population has experienced this unpleasant sensation at least once a month and that 5 to 10% of this group can repeat the symptom daily.


Understand the relationship between thyroid and weight gain

Understand the relationship between thyroid and weight gain

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is located on the anterior neck, just below the region popularly known as "gogó". It has an approximate weight of 15 to 25 grams (in the adult). It acts on important organs such as the heart, brain, liver and kidneys. It also plays a role in the growth and development of children and adolescents, regulating menstrual cycles, fertility, weight, memory, concentration and mood.
