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Functional fight burns up to 900 calories per class

Functional fight burns up to 900 calories per class

Functional fight consists of the combination of fights and functional training, created by former MMA fighter, Eduardo Munra, black belt in Jiu-Jitsu. "I started to observe what my students liked or did not like in fight classes and I realized that many of them were not interested in direct confrontation, because they did not want to get hurt during the activity", recalls Eduardo Munra.

Another point that Munra noticed is that the students found the classes of struggles very monotonous in general, but showed great interest in their classes, since he sought to vary more in the training. "They started asking me if I gave private lessons and then I started giving individual classes," says Munra.

Over time, former MMA fighter adapted his training even more and began to use MMA movements, but without the physical contact.

The functional class fight

In the class of functional fight the students practically do not stop. "We stayed up like it was in the army, it's 40/50 minutes of movement," Munra says. Activities usually start with stretching. Exercises with elastic with special traction are also performed. After that, the students do a little bike, which is special for those who fight MMA.

Students still wear gloves and go for kicks, punches, knees and other blows. "But no physical contact between students," Munra points out. The abs are present at all times. "Students get to do more than 500 sit-ups per workout, our secret is the combination of workouts," explains Munra. The kicks and punches are also different from each other, for example, depends on the height of the kick is worked certain muscle of the legs. Other activities in the functional fight are sequences of jumps in the barriers or stairs. "I'm constantly changing my workouts, it's never the same," says Munra. ->

The functional fight classes are usually individual, but some are being held in groups recently. Currently, the method has about 240 students, many of them famous as the model Izabel Goulart and the fitness muse Gabriela Pugliesi. For now, the functional fight is only carried out in the city of São Paulo, but soon will be in Belo Horizonte and other Brazilian capitals.

Benefits of functional fight

A functional fight class that lasts between 40 and 60 minutes , it usually burns from 700 to 900 calories. This type of exercise does not focus on hypertrophy, but rather on weight loss and muscle definition.

Because of functional exercises, this modality still provides other health benefits. "In functional activities you have to think more to do and not just push or pull, so it offers a cognitive activation and motor learning that we normally only have when we are children," explains the physical educator Givanildo Matias. It is interesting that the functional fight proposes more playful and less rigid dynamics than traditional martial arts.

Carrying out

It is essential to perform a medical examination before starting the functional fight and check with this health professional if the activity can be performed. People with hypertension, some cardiovascular problems, and injuries to the spine or knee will probably need special care when doing the activity or may be advised not to do the activity.


Guidance is to perform the functional fight at least two times in the week and at most four times.

Complementary exercises

Complementing the functional fight with bodybuilding is a good option, since the activity does not provide muscle hypertrophy. Another good alternative is to complement the functional fight with aerobic workouts.

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