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Get all your questions before putting silicone implants on your breasts

Get all your questions before putting silicone implants on your breasts

Much controversy revolves around the aesthetic use of breast implants - and the discussion became even more frequent after the aforementioned case of the prosthesis implants of French marks, which were prohibited in the whole world. These prostheses presented serious health risks due to poor manufacturing quality and high risk of rupture. The recommendation of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery is for physicians to monitor their patients who have these prostheses and even if those who have the prosthesis include their name in a national registry.

But what are the risks of good-quality silicone prostheses?

Risks can be immediate or come back later. Immediate complications are inherent in any surgical procedure, such as infection and hematoma, among others. The most common late complication is capsular contracture - a kind of rejection, followed by rupture and extrusion. The treatment indicated is the immediate replacement of the silicone prosthesis.

The contracture may appear after one year of surgery, although it is more likely to happen four to six years after the procedure. The rupture of the prosthesis is very rare and can occur at any time. And the older the prosthesis, the greater the wear of the implant and, therefore, may be inferior because of the technological advances of the current implants. In very rare cases a woman may lose her sensibility in the area.

Is any prosthesis good for me?

Prosthetic indications are needed. The most common is always the need for volumetric enlargement of the breasts, with more filled breasts, of better shape and more symmetrical. But the procedure is given indication for increase, reduction, correction of sagging breasts, mutilated by cancer surgery, among others.

There is difference of indication of prosthesis according to the type of sinus of the person. Each breast needs a type of implant, varying in volume, shape, texture, filling gel and possibility of later volume regulation. And the procedure should only be done after the full maturity of the breasts, that is, the ideal is from the age of 18.

Care with the prosthesis after surgery also contributes to the success of the procedure. "Making use of a specific bra for a month, without raising arms beyond the shoulders, and not practicing physical exercises for 30 days are paramount medical orders"

Although my professional experience indicates a greater demand for breast reduction, - the percentage is 40% for augmentation and 60% for breast reduction - the request for bulky and firm breasts is still very frequent in plastic surgery offices. In this sense, the result is always satisfactory with breast augmentation prostheses. But if the patient becomes very fat, the breasts may fall out again.

Saline prosthesis or silicone prosthesis?

By adopting the appropriate technique, the result is satisfactory indefinitely. The incision can be by the armpit, areola, mammary groove or by the navel. The latter is limited to saltwater prostheses. Each with its advantages and disadvantages, the silicone prosthesis and the saline are both safe. Gel / silicone implants are smoother and softer compared to saline prostheses. Silicones resemble a semi-solid gel. Saline prostheses are closer to water balloons. Many women prefer the softer, more natural feel of the silicone implant. However, the advantage of breasts with a prosthesis is that, in the event of rupture, the saline solution is absorbed by the body. The silicone gel may either be inside the protective layer of the implant or leak out, with a rupture. With the rupture of a saline prosthesis, the effect will be noticed immediately with the visibly smaller sinus. This is no longer the case with silicone implants. In some cases there are no obvious symptoms and for this reason doctors recommend that women undergo follow-up three years after surgery to monitor any rupture.Differences can be seen in the way implants are filled. Saline prostheses are filled after insertion, requiring a smaller incision than pre-filled silicone prostheses. Another benefit is that many saline implants can be adjusted after surgery.

In most cases, the silicone implants at the ends and the anterior surface of the implant are not palpable, and it is therefore very difficult to feel the presence of the implant through touch. In many cases it is difficult to even detect the presence of an implant. This makes gel implants a more attractive option for women, since saline prostheses are easily detected by touch or body sensation.

What are the necessary post-operative care?

Caring for the prostheses after also contribute to the success of the procedure. Making use of a specific bra for a month, without raising your arms beyond your shoulders, and not practicing physical exercises for 30 days are paramount medical orders.

Therefore, when adopting the correct technique, take necessary care and choose a respected professional and member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, the placement of breast implants is a consecrated surgery, with excellent result and few reported complications.

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