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Ginger: helps to lose weight and has anti-inflammatory action

Ginger: helps to lose weight and has anti-inflammatory action

Native Asian vegetable, ginger is a tuberous root used in both cooking and medicine. The plant assumes multiple therapeutic benefits: it has a bactericidal action, it is detoxifying and even improves the performance of the digestive, respiratory and circulatory system. Ginger is also a recognized thermogenic food, which may be able to accelerate metabolism and favor the burning of body fat.

Other names of ginger

Mangarataia, mangaratiá

Benefits of ginger

Ginger is reference when talking about stomach problems, as it tackles nausea, gas, indigestion, nausea caused by cancer treatment and loss of appetite. It also aids in the digestion of fatty foods and protects the liver. It is no wonder that a substance present in the ginger root is used in the manufacture of laxative, anti-aging and anti-acid medications.

Ginger - Photo Getty Images

The root is also widely used to combat bad breath. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory power, ginger is still used to relieve pain from arthritis, muscle aches, respiratory tract infections, cough, asthma and bronchitis. The plant integrates the syrup formulation because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.

In addition, ginger plays an important role in the diet, as it stimulates smell and taste, contributing to a decrease in the use of salt to season the foods. Ginger has a diuretic effect and when made as tea, in turn, increases fluid intake, favoring hydration and helping to eliminate toxins.

Ginger's main nutrients

Ginger has a substance called gingerol, endowed with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that protect our body.

The therapeutic properties of ginger are due to the joint action of several substances, mainly found in the ginger essential oil, rich in the medicinal components cafeno, felandreno, zingibereno and zingerona. Ginger is also rich in thermogenic substances that activate the body's metabolism and can potentiate the burning of body fat.

The root is composed of vitamin B6 as well as potassium, magnesium and copper minerals, but such properties become little taking into account the daily consumption of the plant. As it is a spice, small amounts of ginger are enough in tea or cooking preparations to flavor them. Note that the table of nutrient values ​​below considers 100g of ginger, but the use in a recipe may not reach 2g.

Ginger composition for each 100 g

Water (g)
78,88Calories Protein (g)
1.82Total lipids (g)
0.75Carbohydrate (g)
17.77Fibers (g)
2Calcium (mg)
16Iron (mg)
0.6Magnesium (mg)
43 <34
Potassium (mg)415
Sodium (mg)13
Zinc (mg)0.34
(Mg) â € ƒâ € ƒâ € ƒMiamine (mg)0.22
Selenium (mcg)0.7
Vitamin C (mg) 0.025Riboflavin (mg)
0.034Niacin (mg)
0.75Vitamin B6 (mg)
0.16Why Ginger Can Help You Lose Weight
All activities performed by the body consume energy. This includes the digestive process, which can be used in your favor to lose weight when it is in question, and thermogenic foods such as ginger can be used. These foods are able to increase the body's caloric expenditure during digestion and the metabolic process.The more difficult the digestion of food, the greater its thermogenic power. The thermogenic substances contained in ginger have the ability to raise body temperature, boosting metabolism and increasing fat burning. Thermogenesis is a process regulated by the nervous system, and interferences in this system can favor weight loss.
Ginger can increase caloric expenditure by more than 10%. However, it is known that there are no miracles when it comes to losing weight. Ginger can be found in supermarkets and health food stores.Where to find ginger
Ginger can be found in supermarkets and health food stores. > How to consume gingerMiso detox recipe with ginger speeds up the metabolism
Ginger can be eaten raw, canned, as ginger tea or as an oil.Ginger tea - Photo Getty Images


The infusion of fresh pieces of ginger is used to treat colds, coughs and colds. In addition to being an effective relaxant, it moisturizes the body and helps eliminate toxins, and can also help in weight loss due to its thermogenic action. The preparation consists of leaving roots, peels or stems of sauce for about 30 minutes and after that period add water and bring the ginger to the fire for more than 30 minutes

In the pan:

ginger can be used in the preparation of sweet and savory dishes of the cuisine. It can be found dehydrated, fresh, preserved or crystallized. Take care not to substitute one form for the other in the recipes, because their flavors are different


has anti-inflammatory action, favoring the elimination of toxins from the body. The juice generates more disposition to the body. To make it more palatable, whisk in the blender with pineapple, mint or lemon peel.


chewing the ginger flakes as well as sucking the bullet helps to relieve hoarseness and irritations in the throat, but you need attention, then, they only mask the pain. Ginger will alleviate symptoms until the body is able to cure the disease or require some clinical management.

Contraindications for ginger consumption

Ginger consumption is safe for most people . Root intake by pregnant women is controversial. Some experts argue that ginger can affect the sex hormones of the fetus and even favor an abortion. Studies suggest, however, that the risk of malformation in newborns of women using ginger has not been shown to be higher than normal.

  • The root is also unrelated to malformations or premature births. Even so, it is recommended that food be avoided especially near the date of delivery, as it may increase the risk of bleeding. Not much is known about the safety of ginger consumption in the breastfeeding period, so it is best to avoid it. The consumption of thermogenic foods, such as ginger, is not recommended for those with hyperthyroidism, since the metabolism is already very accelerated, which increases the risk of loss of muscle mass. In addition, children and pregnant women, people with heart disease, migraine, ulcers and allergies should not abuse thermogenic foods, as they can lead to increased blood pressure, hypoglycemia, insomnia, nervousness and tachycardia. gallbladder because it increases the production of bile which will require more work on the gallbladder.
  • Ginger consumption risks Ginger may favor bleeding and therefore should be avoided by patients with bleeding disorders. In addition, the root has shown worsening in pictures of heart disease, and should be banned from the diet, in this case.
  • Side effects of ginger consumption There are reports of heartburn, heartburn, diarrhea, and diarrhea. There are reports of heartburn, heartburn, diarrhea, and diarrhea. stomach discomfort after consumption of ginger. In this case, it should be excluded from the diet.
  • Interactions with ginger Ginger slows blood clotting and is contraindicated for patients who already use anticoagulant medications because they increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. The root still lowers blood glucose levels and can be dangerous for people taking diabetes medications. Since they already have the function of reducing blood sugar, the consumption of the vegetable can further reduce glycemia, offering a risk of hypoglycemia to the patient.

Precautions should also be taken in the use of drugs for the reduction of hypertension. The root acts to decrease blood pressure, which can be very low with the concomitant use of the medication, offering cardiac risk to the patient.

Recommended amounts of ginger

Although there is no adequate amount of established ingestion, studies suggest that benefits can be achieved by consuming 2 to 4 g ginger per day.

To obtain the thermogenic benefits of ginger, the ideal is daily consumption, but within a set limit so that increased metabolism does not becomes harmful. In the case of ginger, a medium slice or one teaspoon of the powdered form is recommended.

Sources consulted:

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2001. USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 14.

Nutritionist Daniela Jobst, NutriJobst clinic, São Paulo

Nutritionist Thatyana Freitas, from the Stesis clinic, in São Paulo

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