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Hair loss: treatments and habits that avoid the problem

Hair loss: treatments and habits that avoid the problem

At the time of bathing, brushing the hair or just passing the hands in the locks, it is common for a thread or other to come out of your head. But when do these wires fall more than necessary for hair renewal? As it is very common, the hair loss reaches millions of men and women, and can have the most diverse causes. But do not worry, there are treatments for all cases, which can be done even at home, depending on the severity and type of fall.

What are the causes of hair loss

have different causes such as: systemic diseases, use of medications and chemicals, stress, depression, deficient diet, low water intake. Hair is not separated from the system as a whole, hair in order depend on a balanced health, both physical and mentally and emotionally, "says Professor Sonia Maturana of the Esthetics and Cosmetics Technology course at the Senac-Santo Amaro university center.

How hair loss can be classified

Hair loss can be classified into two classes: cicatricial and non-cicatricial, the last being more recurrent.

Non-cicatricial hair loss

Non-cicatricial hair loss is one in which the hair just falls. It shows no inflammatory signs or tissue atrophy. This type of condition can be caused by some factors, the most common being:

  • Androgenetic alopecia (which causes permanent failure, such as baldness
  • Telogen Effluvium
  • According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, this is a condition characterized by increased of hair loss, especially those that go out in the shower or when hair is combed. It can be caused by a variety of reasons: diseases such as hypothyroidism, post-surgery, post-infection, drug-induced, and even stress, which causes increases in blood cortisol levels and potentiate hair loss.
  • It is important to understand that when hair falls, in the It's true, he's getting ready to fall two or three months before he gets off his scalp. The causes for hair loss due to telogen effluvium may still include postpartum pain, fever, acute infection, influenza, very restrictive diets, metabolic or infectious diseases and surgeries, especially bariatric, due to blood loss and metabolic stress.
  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • This type of hair loss begins during adolescence, but is usually noticed from the age of 40 or 50. Although it is caused by genetic issues, some factors help to aggravate the problem, such as menopause and the use of male hormone supplementation.
  • "In this condition there is a greater activation of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone in DHT, and therefore, there is more thinning of the wires and consequently hair loss, "says trustee Mabe Gouveia.

Treatment may involve hair growth stimulants such as minoxidil and hormone blockers. The goal of the treatment is to stop the process and recover some of the loss.

"Although the genetic cause is thought to be linked to men, it is not exclusive, as it can lead to female androgenetic alopecia as well. they present themselves, "adds Sonia Maturana.

Scarring hair loss

Scarring hair loss implies permanent destruction of the follicles and causes irreversible hair loss. It is caused at primary and secondary levels. Being primary means that the hair follicles have undergone a destructive inflammatory reaction, and if secondary, it means that the follicle was not specifically attacked, but rather that other problems occurred, such as burns, radiation, or tumors.While some people only report hair loss alone in this condition, others claim to experience symptoms parallel to hair loss such as itching, tenderness, burning, redness and even plaque formation.

If diagnosed early, be treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories or corticosteroids. Already in the advanced stages, drug treatment is also performed to stabilize the evolution of the disease. If within two years the hair loss is stabilized, it is possible to perform surgical procedures such as the hair implant.

How is the treatment for hair loss

There are different treatment for hair loss and each of them will depend on the cause. Here are the possible treatments:


Microagulation is a medical procedure performed by the dermatologist, who usually uses a device called a roller. The roller consists of a polyethylene roller studded with needles that vary in number, size and shape. These needles create holes in the region of the scalp. This causes a bleeding and, with it, the signaling of platelets, which help to contain the bleeding. With this activation, a production of growth factors begins and, as a result, a stimulus for cells such as fibroblasts to form collagen (protein that gives support to the skin) and keratinocytes produce keratin, the protein that forms hair, skin and nails

Capillary Carboxytherapy

Capillary Carboxytherapy is the technique that uses injectable medical carbonic gas in the scalp, in order to increase blood supply to the root of the hair and stimulate the hair follicles.

Treatment consists of an injection of carbon dioxide directly into the dermis, the second layer of the skin, by means of an insulin needle (extremely thin) connected to a catheter that is connected to a cylinder containing the gas. A few holes are made along the scalp, after proper asepsis. As the scalp is a very sensitive region, the treatment can be done with topical anesthesia, in the form of creams.

Dermatological-functional physiotherapy

Dermato-functional physiotherapy is a type of treatment that can act both in prevention and in treatment for the fall of hair. In it are used cosmetics and manual techniques to stimulate the health of the hair and the scalp. In addition, low intensity light therapy (red / infrared light 600 to 1,400nm wavelength) may be an option as there is some evidence that this treatment stimulates follicle growth.

Most treatments for hair fall are done in clinics. However, there may be exceptions for more serious cases requiring surgical or drug intervention.

Home treatment for hair loss

The use of medications to combat hair loss without a prescription is not recommended. medical, but there are certain habits that can prevent hair loss. Here are a few:

Castor oil

In cases of telogen effluvium drop (translating: when wires are falling sooner than they should), castor oil may be more beneficial, precisely because it encourages wires to return to normal. anagen phase, that is, yarn growth.

Mint Therapy

Menthol is used to soften hair loss, stimulate hair growth and reduce excess sebum from the scalp. The procedure involves exfoliation of the scalp, a scrub with shampoo and the application of the mint mask. The astringent power of menthol is easily demonstrated, it is enough to see the products based on these substances, indicated to combat dandruff and oiliness of the threads.

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