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Having children can increase life expectancy

Having children can increase life expectancy

A study by the University of Aarhus in Denmark found that being a parent could reduce the risk of dying prematurely. The results were published in the December issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. The authors followed more than 21,000 childless couples who enrolled for in vitro fertilization treatment between 1994 and 2005. They followed treatment by the end of 2008. During the period, more than 15,000 babies were born and another 1,564 were adopted. In addition, 96 women and 220 men died.

Crossing the data, the researchers realized that parenting reduced the risk of premature death from any cause. Mothers with a biological child had a life expectancy up to four times higher compared to women without children. Parents with a biological child were twice as likely to die as men without children. In the case of adopted children, the chances of premature death were halved for men, but the change was not significant for women.

According to scholars, it is only possible to speculate the reasons that cause parenthood to increase Life expectancy. According to them, the best guess is that parents maintain healthier habits when they have children, such as sleeping more and eating better.

Habits that help to have a fuller health

Raising children, eating better, sleep well, move the body, meet with friends. These and other habits help ensure a better and longer life.

Eat better

The abuse of foods rich in saturated fats, sodium and sugar is a trigger for diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, obesity , diabetes and even cancer. A balanced diet, rich in nutrients, and regular physical exercise help maintain the ideal weight. In addition, losing weight improves health, self-esteem, and memory.

Sleep well

An American Academy of Sleep

study has proven that sleeping well is one of the keys to longevity. Other research by the Associated Professional Sleep Societies states that people who suffer from chronic insomnia are three times more likely to die than people who do not. Practice Exercising obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, besides giving more disposition and energy. To get all these benefits, you simply walk three times a week for an hour.

Control the nerves

Stress can favor the onset of disease and therefore needs to be monitored and controlled. "The higher the level of stress, the greater the physical and psychological deterioration of the person," says psychologist Sandra Leal Calais of Unesp.

Quit smoking

Smokers need to pay attention to the ills of the cigarette own body. It is estimated that around 200,000 deaths per year in Brazil are due to smoking, which is also responsible for the increased risks of lung, mouth and cardiovascular disease.

Grow Good Friends

Young (USA) found that those who live surrounded by friends and neighbors can live up to 50% more than someone who lives alone. For researchers, losing social support may further decrease life expectancy than obesity, smoking, or sedentary lifestyle.

Sex of the good

A study by the University of Bristol in Britain suggests that maintaining relationships often reduces the risk of fatal infarction. Having an active sex life helps to improve mood, relax the body, improve the appearance of the skin, relieve stress and PMS.Learn to Like You

The concept we have about ourselves defines how we put ourselves and get carried away in life and defines the value we give our person, our work, our opinions, wishes and cares for the body and health. Therefore, it is essential to have a good referential of yourself and to know how to recognize your values ​​and your qualities.

Research has monitored participants for five years and has shown that the chances of an unfaithful person repeating the error are too great

Research has monitored participants for five years and has shown that the chances of an unfaithful person repeating the error are too great

The research also showed that participants who had suffered treachery were twice as likely to be betrayed again in other relationships. This group was also four times more likely to feel mistrust of betrayal, even in relationships with whom they had not been betrayed.


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What is the right age to marry? Study Finds Financial Maturity and Stability Essential for Marriage Success

"The risk of divorce decreases as you leave your teenage years until the age of 30. After that, the odds again increase in the 30s. to 40 years, "he said on his website. "This is a change from the way we looked at the situation, when relationships were relatively linear, which said that the older you were at getting married for the first time, the less likely you were to separate.
