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HCor performs free action to evaluate sleep disorders

HCor performs free action to evaluate sleep disorders

To alert the population about sleep disorders and clarify the population's doubts, the Heart Hospital will hold an action on March 16 at Conjunto Nacional, in São Paulo. Visitors will be able to conduct free tests to measure sleep quality and an assessment for apnea diagnosis. "Many suffer from sleep disorders, but they are unaware of the diagnosis. We will do an individualized assessment and the person will already get the results on time," says pneumologist Pedro Genta of the HCor Sleep Medicine Center.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), about 40% of the world population has some type of sleep disorder. In Brazil, 43% of the population can not sleep properly, increasing the risk of developing diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

Several studies point to the negative consequences of sleep disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea, for example, is linked to poorer quality of life and increased mortality. "On World Sleep Day, we aim to alert and raise awareness of the importance of healthy sleep and the symptoms of sleep disorders and their consequences," concludes Pedro.

Please note:

World Sleep Day HCor - Free trial of sleep disorders

Day: 16/03 (Friday) - 9am to 2pm

Location: National Joint Building

Address: Av. Paulista, nº 2073 - Near the metro Consolação

Prepare the bedroom to sleep well

Having a quality sleep is essential for the maintenance of well-being and health and, therefore, when the quality of sleep is not the best, our body soon gives signs . Stay tuned for some carelessness when it comes to preparing the room that may disturb:

Light on

When the room we are sleeping in is very clear, our body does not produce melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep. Television

In addition to interrupting the action of melatonin due to the clarity, the TV also hinders by making noise in a non continuous way. This alternation leaves the body in a state of alertness and we can not move to the deep phase of sleep. The same goes for those who have a habit of listening to restless music at bedtime.


Leaving the room at a mild temperature is also important at bedtime. When the room is very hot, our metabolism is accelerated, which decreases the quality of sleep. Already in the opposite situation, cold can cause tremors and muscle contractions at night, which, like the variation of sound, causes our body to have difficulty entering the deep sleep phase


Making a Snack before going to sleep can help or disrupt sleep, depending on what you put inside the mouth. Eating fatty foods, in addition to gaining weight, greatly decreases the quality of sleep. This is because while we digest food, our brain continues to receive stimuli, which increases the chances of nightmares and insomnia. It is best to eat light foods such as soups and snacks at least two hours before bedtime.


Sleeping with the dog or cat in the same bed can be a custom for many people, but this also disrupts the quality of sleep. By having a sleep cycle shorter than ours, the small animals sleep approximately six hours. So they wake up earlier and start to move, harming the sleep quality of those who are sleeping with them.

Scientists may have unraveled the mystery of female orgasm

Scientists may have unraveled the mystery of female orgasm

Scientists have researched for centuries what the function of female orgasm would be in the context of reproduction. A new study by a pair of scientists at Yale University in the United States shows that the orgasm of women is linked to their evolutionary past, when the hormonal discharge that accompanies the climax was necessary for the ovular woman.


Routine queries to the urologist help track prostate cancer and other diseases

Routine queries to the urologist help track prostate cancer and other diseases

In general, going to the urologist is conditioned by the appearance of symptoms until adulthood. Most Medical Societies point out that screening for prostate cancer should be performed after age 50 in the general population and at age 45 in men with associated risk factors such as family history of prostate cancer and in patients of the race where the cancer may be more precocious and aggressive.
