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Health 2024

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A 15-year-old British teenager develops an early Alzheimer's test to detect traces of the disease 10 years before the first symptoms

Today, 15 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and approximately 66,000 die each year from complications of this disease.

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A combination of bacteria and fungi can cause early childhood caries

The bacterium Streptococcus mutans and the fungus Candida albicans may together cause cavitations in the mouths of children, according to new research. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine identified the relationship between bacteria and a fungus, reporting the finding online Feb.

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A lollipop for your oral health?

A researcher at the University of California (UCLA) has become a candy entrepreneur. But here's a catch: he made herbaceous lollipops that are designed to prevent tooth decay, at least temporarily. Wenyuan Shi, Ph.D, a microbiologist at the UCLA School of Dentistry, created sugar-free, orange-flavored lollipops , with an herbaceous formula found in licorice that looks for and inactivates bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans, which can cause tooth decay.

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A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Sciences, shows that lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol and not exercising may be responsible for the problem.

In Denmark found that such a lifestyle is more common in sexually inactive people. The analysis had medical information of 5,552 men and women between 16 and 97 years. From the data, it was possible to quantify the percentage of individuals with health risks and sexual dysfunction or inactivity. The results indicated that 78% of men and 91% of women with unhealthy lifestyle habits maintained such a style because they did not have a sexual partner.

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A single donation of blood can save up to four lives

According to WHO, a total of 92 million blood donations per year are carried out in Worldwide. In Brazil, according to Ministry of Health data, 1.9% of Brazilians donate blood regularly. Although it is within the 1% to 3% parameter defined by the WHO, this number still needs to improve. Furthermore, the Official Gazette of the Union, Portaria 1,353, which establishes the new Technical Regulation on Hemotherapy Procedures, with new criteria for blood donation in Brazil.

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A study by the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

- 6% Of men and 3% of women reported having a medical diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea; -7% of men and 4% of women said they stopped breathing at least five nights per week - Men and women who said they stopped breathing at least five nights a week we

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A study carried out by Unesp (AESP), which has been used in the past few years, has been shown to be ineffective against dengue mosquitoes. Universidade Estadual Paulista) in Botucatu revealed that house repellents, such as citronella candle, are not very effective against the mosquito

The research had the voluntary collaboration of several medical students , who placed the arm inside a cage with female dengue mosquitoes, the only ones that sting. The results showed that repellents such as androba, clove, citronella and soybean oil had little effective repellency degree. compared to industrial repellents.