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Healthy Eating May Reduce Hypertension

Healthy Eating May Reduce Hypertension

Hypertension is currently being discussed because of its relationship to the accident

The presence of hypertension may have many causes, such as heredity, overweight, sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism, stress and smoking.

However, a balanced diet can favor in many ways, benefiting the functioning of the body as a whole and improving the rhythm of blood vessels and heart muscles.

Excessive consumption of fats, refined carbohydrates and salt, lack of some nutrients and sedentary lifestyle are practices that favor the early onset of hypertension.

An adequate diet, combined with physical activity

Therefore, adequate diet, combined with physical activity, is capable of delaying the onset of hypertension.

Sodium (component of cooking salt) is not the the only villain of hypertension. The inclusion of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber in the diet is extremely important so that hypertension is actually decreased with better results.

Each of these substances plays a positive role in working the blood vessels.

Calcium: aids in muscle contraction and improves vascular tone conditions.

Potassium: helps in the excretion of sodium.

Magnesium: maintains a vasodilatory effect .

Soluble Fibers: can decrease fat absorption and also decrease hepatic cholesterol synthesis. These effects may contribute to the reduction of the risk of atheromatous plaque formation in the blood vessels.

Insoluble fibers: They do not act to reduce fat but contribute to an increase in satiety, which in turn limits food consumption

Excess sodium in food promotes hypertension

The combination of all these nutrients is something easy to be consumed in our daily life, since they are present in everyday foods.

A Following are described activities that can be practiced by any of us in order to improve the quality of life and high blood pressure.

1) To Decrease sodium

At Time of Purchase:

- Read carefully the labels for sodium content

- Give preference to foods with reduced sodium content or no added salt

- At the time of choosing the foods, be aware that: soy sauces, brine or cured foods show the

- Give preference to fresh poultry, fish and lean meats instead of canned, smoked or processed.

- Note light and diet sodas as they may contain high sodium content, as some

- Instead of just adding salt to the food in your preparation, reduce the amount and add together herbs, lemon or vinegar to enhance the taste.

2) Improve your behavior with Smart choices:

- Limit the consumption of cured foods (ham, cucumber, and pickled foods such as mustard and ketchup

- Do not use salt shaker on the table

3) Increase the calcium, potassium, magnesium and fiber content in your day to day:

Calcium: can be found mainly in milk and milk products, preferably with low fat content. Sardine and dark green vegetables are also sources of this nutrient.

Potassium and soluble fiber:

Vegetables, vegetables and fruits (prefer to eat them in the husk and raw, since the food, when cooked, lower the potassium content.) Magnesium:

almonds and nuts), beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, dark green greens, whole grains Insoluble fibers:

give preference to whole grains such as rice, flour and oats. Some other products have fibers added to their composition, check the labels.

DNA can determine the amount of coffee you drink

DNA can determine the amount of coffee you drink

A study by Italian and Dutch universities found that Passion for coffee can be part of every person's DNA. PDSS2, a gene capable of deciding whether or not to like a drink, is responsible for this effect. The results showed that those who have high levels of PDSS2 in their DNA tend to drink less coffee than people with PDSS2.


Ginger: helps to lose weight and has anti-inflammatory action

Ginger: helps to lose weight and has anti-inflammatory action

Native Asian vegetable, ginger is a tuberous root used in both cooking and medicine. The plant assumes multiple therapeutic benefits: it has a bactericidal action, it is detoxifying and even improves the performance of the digestive, respiratory and circulatory system. Ginger is also a recognized thermogenic food, which may be able to accelerate metabolism and favor the burning of body fat.
