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How to lose belly: food and exercise to reduce measures

How to lose belly: food and exercise to reduce measures

So we interviewed a nutritionist, a physical educator, a cosmetologist and a plastic surgeon to point out which the main methods to lose belly in your areas of action. Check it out:

Food to lose belly

Food is an essential factor to lose belly. First, some simple changes in eating habits already make all the difference. Try to split your meals by eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in the morning, afternoon and evening. "When the individual chooses more meals, he stops eating in large amounts and speeds up the metabolism, thus helping to burn abdominal fat," explains nutritionist Karina Valentim, Patricia Bertolucci Consultoria.

Another important change involves drinking water more frequently. Intake of water assists in regulating the body as it is essential for the daily functioning of the intestine, elimination of toxins and excess electrolytes through urine and perspiration. "This daily balance can help with the weight loss of the individual," says Karina Valentim.

Always look for a balanced diet. "It is essential not only to lose belly but also provides energy to the individual, especially for those who live complaining of tiredness, fatigue at the end of the day and can not perform physical exercises," notes Karina Valentim.

Foods that help lose belly

Having a healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains, already contributes immensely to lose belly. However, some foods are especially effective in burning fat, see what they are:

Foods rich in omega 3:

Foods rich in omega 3 act indirectly in losing belly. Sardine, tuna, salmon and herring are the richest omega-3 fish. "This unsaturated fat is responsible for lowering the inflammatory cytokines present in cases of overweight and localized abdominal fat, so we can say that omega 3 is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect and this would help to lose belly," says Karina Valentim. In addition, some studies suggest that omega-3 when consumed by overweight people would have a positive effect on satiety. It is recommended to ingestion of these types of fish 2 to 3 times a week preferably baked, boiled or grilled in low fat.

Green teas:

Green tea has a thermogenic action, ie it contributes to a burn of more intense calories. This is because it is rich in caffeine. "Studies prove the lipolytic action of green tea, since its consumption associated with practice of physical activity would increase the oxidation of fats," says Karina Valentim. The guidance is to ingest about 3 cups of green tea. "But its indication and use should be evaluated, since individuals with gastric and caffeine-sensitive problems may have problems," said Karina Valentim. Hibiscus tea helps to lose belly - Photo: GettyImages

Tea A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology of the International Society of Ethnopharmacology concluded that hibiscus tea is capable of reducing adipogenesis, a process in which cells mature and become capable of accumulating fat. By lowering this process, hibiscus tea helps less fat accumulate in the abdomen and hips. It is not yet clear which substance is present in the beverage that is responsible for the benefit. However, it is believed that the antioxidant action of flavonoids anthocyanin and quercetin contribute to reduce fat deposition.

Peppers: The peppers contain a compound called capsaicin. "This active acts in the release of endorphins, substances that promote well-being, in addition to releasing catecholamines, neurotransmitters responsible for decreased appetite, and can be used by those who want to lose localized fat and reduce intense hunger," says Karina Valentim.

Studies show that administration of capsaicin stimulates the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, increasing the mobilization of lipids from adipose tissue. And include 0.9g of red pepper in the main meals already has health benefits. Food can be eaten raw or in hot dishes. Ginger:

Research shows that ginger is also linked to increased thermogenesis. "Gingerol, the main compound, exerts antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory functions, inhibits platelet aggregation and prevents the appearance of thrombi", observes Karina Valentim.

The consumption of this condiment is also indicated in inflammation processes, as in case of obesity and localized fat. However, it is important to be cautious in its use, high concentrations of ginger can cause undesirable effects such as increased blood flow, abortion in pregnant women, gastrites, ulcers and heartburn. The indicated amount of ginger is two small slices per day. This is enough to have the thermogenic effect during the day. It can be consumed raw or sauteed, using it in salads, sauces, sautéed with vegetables, beaten with juices and even suchas.


Cinnamon has thermogenic action when introduced into the food increasing the body's caloric expenditure during the digestion and the metabolic process, besides it has anti-inflammatory action, important for individuals who are overweight (chronic inflammation). Cinnamon still has good amounts of chromium, a nutrient responsible for improving insulin sensitivity and controlling blood glucose. It can be used in fruits (roasted banana), vitamins and also in hot preparations because its components are not destroyed by heat. It also helps in bingeing for sweets (indicated serving: 1 to 2 teaspoons a day).

Foods that favor fat accumulation Foods with trans fat:

This type of fat can be found in some biscuits, ice creams, industrialized cakes, among others. The industry uses trans fat to give more palatability and shelf life to food. Despite the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) that maximum trans fat consumption does not exceed 1% of total daily energy, in the Western diet these values ​​represent 2.6%. "This type of fat increases LDL cholesterol (considered to be bad enough for the body) and lowers HDL (" good cholesterol "), and also triggers triglycerides (localized fat) that can be stored in adipose tissue. says Karina Valentim.

Simple Carbohydrates: Foods rich in simple carbohydrates have a high glycemic index, such as those rich in sugars, soft drinks, sweets and others, and those with a lot of white flour such as French bread, pasta and others. "The digestion of these foods happens rapidly by raising the levels of the anabolic hormone, insulin, which in turn ends up turning excess blood glucose into triacylglycerol and storing it in adipose tissue," says Karina Valentim.

Foods rich in saturated fats: The consumption of saturated fats can also be related to the accumulation of abdominal fat and the difficulty in losing belly, risk of overweight and heart disease. The intake of sutured fats in the diet should not exceed 10% of the total energy value of the day and preference should be given to the consumption of unsaturated fats present in fish, oilseeds (nuts, chestnuts) and olive oil. Foods with high amounts of saturated fats are: red meats, whole milk, butter and cheeses.

Alcoholic beverages: Alcohol is a substance toxic to the body and the liver gives preference to metabolize it first. This change in the metabolism of the liver favors the accumulation of fat in the body.

Exercises to lose belly In order to lose belly the recommendation is to practice aerobic activities, mixing different intensities. "Good examples are circuit training, walking and running in the same training session, swimming with different intensities and pedaling on different terrains with slopes and slopes," guides the physical educator Fernanda Andrade.

For the best definition of the abdomen, a good combination is between aerobic and abdominal exercises. Bodybuilding exercises should not be left behind "All bodybuilding exercises are great Bodybuilding workouts help a lot", explains Fernanda Andrade

Aesthetic treatments / How to lose belly

Some cosmetic treatments contribute to lose belly. However, before carrying them out, it is essential to have some care. "All treatments must have a medical indication, because the clinical history of each person may contraindicate one or another technique," explains surgeon-general Joana d'Arc Diniz, postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine and trichology and scientific director of the Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Regional Rio).

The amount of fat is also essential to indicate the most appropriate treatment. For some techniques sun exposure may be contraindicated immediately after treatment. Physical activity is always welcome after any treatment aimed at decreasing fat content. "However, in some treatments we prefer to leave it for the day after the session. Ingestion of liquids, mainly water, is recommended in order to improve drainage," says Joan of Arc Diniz. Cryolipolysis:

Cryolipolysis is a treatment for localized fat that uses low temperatures over the area.


Cryolipolysis is a treatment for localized fat that uses low temperatures over the area of fat, causing a freezing of fat cells and so the body understands that the cooled cells are no longer part of the body and eliminates them. "The device is placed on the surface of the skin, causing the fat cells to be frozen," explains Joan of Arc Diniz.

Ultrasound: Ultrasound are waves that promote a vibrational effect on fat cells, the wall of the adipocyte becomes destabilized and ruptures, with consequent extravasation of the contents, so that it is eliminated. "In this phenomenon we call cavitation," says Joan of Arc Diniz. "The ultrasound to aid in the treatment of fat requires a specific frequency to reach the fat tissue."

Carboxytherapy: The injection of medicinal carbon promotes an increase of the acidity in the medium (pH) and this destabilizes the membranes of the fat cells facilitating the mobilization of fat and consequent elimination. "Another means of action is through the vasodilation that the gas promotes and this increases the supply of nutrients to the tissues and improves the drainage of fat, since it improves the microcirculation in the place," says Joan of Arc Diniz

Lipocavitation: This treatment is carried out by means of an apparatus which promotes intense heating of the fatty tissue, causing the fat cells to destabilize and rupture their membranes. "With this, the contents are drained and drained from the site", says Joana d'Arc Diniz.

Infiltration: Involves to put in the tissues medicines that promote the fat burning, lipolytics. "We have on the market a range of drugs for this purpose that help in the treatment of localized fat and are indicated in weekly or biweekly sessions, after medical evaluation," says Joan of Arc Diniz.Surgical Procedures

Liposuction: Liposuction is indicated when the person is at or near his ideal weight and whose localized fat, in the case of the abdominal fat, can not be eliminated through physical activities or through of a balanced diet. "The goal of surgery is to reshape the body contour, that is, to aspire to the localized fat of a certain region. It is important to note that liposuction does not treat obesity, but rather localized fat," says plastic surgeon André Eyler, a member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Find out that according to the Federal Council of Medicine the amount of fat that will be liposuctioned should not exceed 7% of the patient's body weight. In a 70-pound person, this would be about 5 liters of fat. "However, in practice, a little more than three liters of fat is usually taken away. Exaggeration in the removal can weaken the body because along with the fat there is also suctioning of blood," warns André Eyler

HLPA: This technique associates two methods already established in the market, which are liposuction with microcannulae and ultrasonic hydrolipoclasy. The latter procedure is also called aspiration hidrolipoclasia or liposuction under local anesthesia. "The HLPA is a safe option for localized fat treatment, combining the infiltrative technique and the use of aesthetic ultrasound. Its main recommendation is the removal of small volumes of different regions of the body, including the abdomen," says André Eyler . The average fat removal and up to 1500 ml per body region.

Larissa Manoela, a 16-year-old actress, has revealed that she wants to eliminate some of her children's diets. for his next novel,

Larissa Manoela, a 16-year-old actress, has revealed that she wants to eliminate some of her children's diets. for his next novel, "The Adventures of Poliana", on SBT. In an interview with PurePeople, Mayra explained a bit about the project of the teen actress: "She who came to me, is looking for a healthier life, even because she is very young and has a very drawn rhythm of life , so she wants to take care of health from now on, so that she can study better, since she combines the career of an

Nutritionist Amanda Epifânio points out that weight control in adolescents is something new. "Until recently, it was believed that calorie restriction could negatively influence the proper development of this group." All this knowledge has led to the confidence of recommending diets with caloric deprivation, but this is a process that requires caution.


Spinach is ally against cancer and protects the brain

Spinach is ally against cancer and protects the brain

Nutritional Nitroglycerin Spinach is one of the most nutritious foods present in nature, with few calories and many vitamins. A cup of steamed spinach contains a mere 40 calories, and almost all the manganese and folate your body needs daily. Spinach contains more protein than other vegetables and a high fiber content, which helps detoxify and cleanse the intestinal tract.
