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Intestinal polyps: see how feeding influences the problem

Intestinal polyps: see how feeding influences the problem

Role of feeding in the appearance of polyps

It is quite likely that certain foods and beverages contribute to the appearance of intestinal polyps, especially frequent and excessive consumption of alcohol, red or processed meats - especially if prepared at high temperatures or direct action of red-hot fire. "

It is also speculated that the use of chemical preservatives and excess fatty foods may contribute to the onset. It is understood that the processing and preservation of meats with salt and preservatives, especially nitrates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which alter the structure of mucosal DNA, are carcinogenic.

It is cautioned that daily consumption

What to eat

People who already have intestinal polyps or who want to prevent their appearance should eat foods rich in vitamins A, C and E, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, dark green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, sunflower, soybean, egg, avocado, citrus fruits (orange, lemon), strawberry, kiwi, papaya papaya, Brussels sprouts. It is also beneficial for your health to have a high-fiber, low-fat diet of animal origin.

Also helps prevent polyps or their complications:

Practice regular exercise

  • No smoking
  • For the general population, perform colonoscopies at age 50 and older for individuals with risk factors
  • Remove bowel polyps if diagnosed by colonoscopy
  • Other related factors

Intestinal polyps are found in 25% to 30% of colonoscopies, being more prevalent in patients over 50 years of age. Polyps may be hereditary, with genetic syndromes that affect up to 80% of the descendants of affected individuals, such as Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. However, even in the absence of a genetic syndrome, children and siblings of patients with adenomatous polyps have a higher chance of involvement, especially if these parents or siblings are under the age of 50.

of blood in the stool. Bleeding is the most common symptom of the presence of intestinal polyps, with more frequent polyps becoming larger or malignant.

Ministry of Health will invest R $ 2.3 million in research on ELA

Ministry of Health will invest R $ 2.3 million in research on ELA

The resource was destined for the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) for the building a research laboratory with stem cells, allowing to investigate which other drugs may bring results, as well as identify new products for these patients. Currently, the only available treatment is Riluzol, which acts to decrease the discomfort of patients with ALS, but does not significantly reduce its progression and increases the survival of those suffering from the disease by a maximum of three months.


Bronchodilators help treat asthma attacks

Bronchodilators help treat asthma attacks

A bronchodilator is used by almost all people with asthma as a way to open the airways. For the treatment of asthma symptoms, there are three types of bronchodilators: beta-agonists, anticholinergics and xanthines. These bronchodilators are available for inhalation, per pill, liquid, and injectable forms, but the most commonly used method for beta-agonists and anticholinergics is by inhalation.
