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Irritation, nervousness and lack of patience affect male health

Irritation, nervousness and lack of patience affect male health

Male health is like cod head: everyone knows it exists, but no one has ever seen it since, like elephants, man only moves when he feels death stalking. Until then, bathing in the cat is more important than going to the doctor. Does that sound irrational to you? It may be, but some men are so, experts at denying symptoms to the limit of the patience of the partners / mothers. They only seek assistance when forced or when something really compromises their life or productivity, with the most frequent symptoms being: irritation, fatigue, nocturnal insomnia and daytime drowsiness, discouragement, difficulty concentrating, decreased libido and anxiety. These complaints usually result in normal physical and laboratory tests, which induce the physician to rate the problem of "psychological". But what does that mean? What does the patient lie? How to understand this situation?

In medicine, few mysteries resist a good interview with the patient and in such cases, questions like "What is your typical day?" "What do you like? your marriage? "often reveal that unconsciously (or not), the patient feels trapped in a personal and / or professional situation unbearable and insoluble in their eyes. This is the perfect recipe for triggering the physiological reaction we call stress, which together with "virus" make up 95% of medical diagnoses. But let's not fool ourselves, both the virus and the stress are real and consequent.

Uncovering Your Stress

It has happened to you that after a fright you feel your heart pounding, fast breathing, tensed muscles, reasoning? Stress is this, a normal reaction of our body activated by the sensation of danger, whose objective is to channel all its energy to escape or to fight until the return to the security, after which you will probably collapse exhausted, sleepy and soft. Stress of this kind, with beginning, middle and end, does not cause problems in healthy people. Dangerous stress is that which endures and this is possible because we do not differentiate between reality and imagination. For example: did you ever get excited about imagining arguing with someone? Or woke up completely drenched in a nightmare? Likewise, for your body, professional insecurity differs from an attack of cannibals only on the fact that it is easier for the cannibals to escape.

Altered body

By switching from "routine" mode to "combat mode" , stress changes the whole physiology of your body. They change the priorities, the hormonal balance, the biochemistry. Most of your energy is channeled to your muscles and brain, to the detriment of routine surveillance, control, and maintenance systems that come to the foreground. That is why in these situations it is common to see herpes recurrence, diabetes decompensation and the exacerbation of autoimmune diseases, inflammations and allergies.

Healthy people support this regimen for some time, but eventually begin to show wear in the form of symptoms already mentioned, or worse, in the form of infarction, stroke, hypertensive crises or other serious problems. But, as we have mentioned, the patient is often not aware of stress, how to disarm it?

Managing Stress

During the consultation, when the patient understands the involvement of stress in his symptoms, he revolts: I kill my boss, I ask for the divorce, I rob a bank? " Of course not. To paraphrase the philosopher, "the whole problem has a quick, easy, and ... wrong" solution, and these are excellent examples of what not to do: take on the slight steps that in the medium term will only exacerbate the problem. In addition, if you knew the solution, you would not be stressed, correct?

The first step in managing stress is to accept that it exists and affects you. The second is to understand its origin, and this is not always an easy process or one that the doctor is the most qualified to conduct. Doctors are trained to find and disarm problems and tend to medicalize everything. Maybe this is not the ideal perspective here. It may be more efficient and successful to delegate to paramedical professionals, such as psychologists.

But what is the purpose of the search? My perspective will only make sense if you answer the following question: what is the opposite of stress? In my many years of practice, I only heard two answers: "I do not know" and "relax", both hesitant. In my opinion, relaxing is not an antonym of stress. Several people stress exactly when prevented from carrying out their activities. I believe the antonym of stress is "control." Stress is triggered when you are faced with a situation that you feel you can not fight or run away from. If you feel you are in control of the situation and not being dragged in your ass, there will be no more stress. In fact, in my practice, the simple movement of beginning to seek the origin of the problem with the intention of conflating it already alleviates the symptoms much. The metaphor commonly used by patients is "it seems like they took me 500 pounds off my back." And you really (and you're probably a woman), you must be wondering, "If stress catches both men and women, why?" that a column dedicated to male health focuses on this? " It is a valid question.

It occurs that although stress affects both sexes, its impact on men and women could not be more distinct. Women make prevention a routine, are more likely to follow medical advice and, when necessary, seek help. Therefore, they achieve better results in terms of the disarming of deleterious situations with good health effects in the medium / long term.

Already men (with exceptions, of course) first ignore and / or deny all signs that something goes well. Later, when they are already buying passage to the charcoal boat, even going to the doctor, they tend to be more refractory to the guidelines offered and have less adherence.

Thus, the direct approach to man does not always seem to be the most effective method to improve their prospects of achieving a long and graceful old age, but rather the education of those who will not only listen, but will make themselves heard and obeyed (even if it does not seem, they hear).

That is why this was the theme chosen. Badly or well, it is one of the few subjects that brings men to the office, it is something that we can identify, work and improve before the well-known factors of morbidity and mortality in men, such as cardiovascular diseases and the like, mark their presence in a fateful and irreversible way

To men (and I speak as a member of the sect) it is worth remembering that, as legend has it, hiding his head in the sand when threatened in no way protects the ostrich.

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A third of people with asthma are at risk of fatal attack

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According to the statement published online on September 28, athletes' diet and intense training may increase the risk of developing oral problems. To maintain performance, athletes often resort to carbohydrate-rich diets, as well as sugar-rich energy drinks, which may contribute to the development of caries and acid erosion of the teeth.
