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Muscle pain after training can be severe

Muscle pain after training can be severe

Muscle pain after bodybuilding workouts occur due to micro-breaking of muscle fibers. When you train, you literally break (micro breaks) the muscle tissue. The result of this is the occurrence of muscle micro-injuries in the early days of muscle training, small muscle ruptures caused by over-exertion.

With a few days, the muscle begins to rebuild, so rest after training is very important . There is healing of the muscle fibers. This reconstruction process makes muscle tissues stronger and larger than before. This is the process of muscle hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy is the development of more muscle fibers, which makes the muscles bigger and stronger to support lifting more.

The pain that you notice in the days after the workout is different from the pain (burning and burning) that you feels during training and is also different from a muscle injury pain. It is essential to be aware of the differences in these pains, such as pain in the workouts, good pain, which occurs a day or two after the workout, and the pain of injuries, bad pain, injuries to the joints and muscles. The good pain, no matter how strong it is, it does not stop you from doing other physical activities, despite the pain you can perform any movement with perfection, different from the pains of injuries, that cause a lot of pain when moving the affected areas and appear some hours after training.

The pain of the next day is usually stronger in people who have never trained before. And just remember the time you started training for the first time and how you got sore the first week. The more your body adapts to training, the less pain you'll feel. If you persist for a long time in just one type of training, you stop to see results and the good pain disappears. Differentiated training and progressive increase of load is the key to generating muscle fissures, which consequently increases muscle mass.

However, good pain to a high degree does not only occur in people who have never trained in life. You will also feel bigger pain when you begin a new routine. Every time you give a shock to your muscles, with a new workout program, new workouts, number of sets and repetitions that your body is no longer accustomed to, you can expect large amounts of pain. It is worth remembering that hypertrophy occurs not only when there is pain.

Even without pain after training, or when it decreases, hypertrophy continues to occur. The pain disappears because the muscle is already more prepared for the activities that will be developed, and only reappear if a load or different workouts, new exercises and increase the intensity of the workouts.

It is important to pay attention to the eccentric phase (part negative exercise), because at this stage we recruit more muscle fibers and injure more of the same. When we put more emphasis on the negative part of the exercise, we get more fissures in the muscular tissues, consequently more pain the next day and more results in the long term.

The pains must be controlled, from the moment they prevent daily movements is signal which was exaggerated. A good example is the student not being able to walk down a right ladder or even brush his hair easily.

Capoeira: martial art works flexibility and motor coordination

Capoeira: martial art works flexibility and motor coordination

Capoeira is a fight disguised as dance gingada in its beginnings by Angolan slaves in Brazilian soil. They met in groups close to the senzalas in places that exhibited a type of low vegetation, the so-called capoeira. Using music and rhythmic movements, the slaves did more than stay fit to fight. Through the activity, they were united and healthy, both physically and emotionally.


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Back Exercises: See the Best and Why to Do It

In the evolution of the species, when the man took up the upright position, the back musculature has become critical for this to happen. When the muscles are strengthened (no need for exaggeration) they provide a kind of protection for the vertebrae (bones), not allowing the overload generated by movements or excess weight to affect them, because they achieve give the account of the message, after all are strong, sparing the vertebrae.
