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According to research conducted by University of Michigan researchers in the United States, a short snooze, approximately one hour long, is enough to help reduce impulsivity and deal better with frustrations.

The survey had 40 participants, ages 18-50, and was conducted in two stages. In the first one, after three nights of normal sleep, the participants were subjected to computer tests that could not be solved, so that the students could analyze their reactions to the frustration of not having completed the task. In addition, they also answered some questionnaires, which sought to relate the responses given to specific characteristics, such as mood and impulsivity.

Already in the second stage of the research, some participants were randomly selected to take a one-hour nap. They all repeated the test, and the researchers compared the results with those obtained earlier.

According to them, before some participants took a nap, all 40 took exactly the same amount of time trying to solve the test impossible. However, once awake, those who took the nap were more determined to solve the test, and spent more time trying to solve it than those who did not sleep. In addition, participants who underwent snooze were also less impulsive than those who were not screened for the extra hour of sleep.

Children who consume too much caffeine have impaired sleep

Children who consume too much caffeine have impaired sleep

According to a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics , 75% of children between 5 and 12 years of age consume caffeine, and this may be making them stay awake at night Children ages 5 to 7 consume about 52 milligrams of caffeine per day, and children between 8 and 12, about 109 milligrams, equivalent to almost three cans of 350 ml of soda per day.


Women sometimes find a conflict between being a mother and being a woman

Women sometimes find a conflict between being a mother and being a woman

The arrival of a child moves deeply with any marriage, there is now a third member who, for a period of time (not very short), will depend entirely on the care and attention of these two. If there was once only one man and one woman, today there is one man, one woman, one father and a mother. And it is in this change that many conflicts appear.
