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Athletes 'Oral Health Can Affect Performance

Athletes 'Oral Health Can Affect Performance

According to the statement published online on September 28, athletes' diet and intense training may increase the risk of developing oral problems. To maintain performance, athletes often resort to carbohydrate-rich diets, as well as sugar-rich energy drinks, which may contribute to the development of caries and acid erosion of the teeth.

All such problems can be avoided by using of mouth guards, says the American Dental Association. A mouth guard should be an essential part of sports practice. For more information, visit the ADA Consumer Web site, MouthHealthy.org. The ADA offers an educational patient brochure, Sports Safety, which helps dentists integrate children and parents with the face protection program.

Continue reading on Colgate's website.

6 Myths and truths about the thyroid

6 Myths and truths about the thyroid

The thyroid is a gland of 25 which is located in the neck, between the larynx and the pharynx. It is responsible for producing the hormones thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3), these two hormones act on a number of metabolic mechanisms of our body. So much so that, according to endocrinologist Rosa Paula Mello of Fleury Medicina e Saúde, the thyroid acts as if it were a regulator of all our organs and can also be called by some of the "master gland" .


Meningitis and herpetic encephalitis: understand the diseases that killed the son of Eyshila

Meningitis and herpetic encephalitis: understand the diseases that killed the son of Eyshila

The sad case of Matheus raised many doubts about meningitis and herpetic encephalitis. The following are key questions about these diseases. Both meningitis and encephalitis are diseases in which an agent causes inflammation in the brain; in the case of Matheus, it was the herpes virus that has settled on both membranes that surround the brain, causing meningitis, and the central nervous system, causing herpetic encephalitis.
