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Physical fitness is the key to longevity

Physical fitness is the key to longevity

A study published in the Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association has shown that maintaining or improving your fitness level - even if there is no change in weight or body definition - can reduce the risk of death.

The survey had the collaboration of more than 14,000 adult men with, on average, 44 years of age. All underwent several medical examinations and were followed by scholars for 11 years. After this period, the researchers assessed their fitness levels, body mass index (BMI), family history of heart disease, and poor habits, such as smoking.

The results showed that maintaining or improving conditioning is associated with a lower risk of death, even if the person is already at his or her ideal body mass index (BMI). In addition, participants who progressively increased exercise load had a 19% lower risk of heart disease and stroke and a 15% lower risk of death from other diseases.

According to the scientists, this is great news for people who exercise regularly but can not lose weight. They also explain that the BMI (Find Out Your Ideal Weight) is calculated by dividing the mass of the individual by the square of his height, with the mass in kilograms and the height in meters.

How to get an ideal physical condition

From According to orthopedist André Pedrinelli, the benefits of physical conditioning are numerous: it reduces the risk of injury, reduces rehabilitation time after injury, maintains the learning of acquired motor tasks and maintains an effective connection between the athlete and his

1. Warm up: prepares the cardiovascular system for the exercise. 2. A good fitness program should include the following items: 3. Strength exercises 4. Resistance training 5. Specific sports activities: to automate the tasks specific motor 7. Relaxation techniques: for fatigue recovery and stress reduction This program should be subdivided into phases: macrocycle, mesocycle and microcycle, for better planning. Exercises and longevity The macrocycle corresponds to the training phase involving a competition and its previous training, ie the overall planning, which lasts from six months to one year . The mesocycle corresponds to the specific phases of the training, the base, strengthening, technique, etc. and lasts for one to two months. The microcycle corresponds to the most immediate objectives of the training, lasting from one week to ten days.

Intensive yoga and stretching relieve back pain

Intensive yoga and stretching relieve back pain

Yoga and stretching classes emphasized torso and legs. The type of yoga used in the study is called vynyoga, which adapts the principles of yoga to individual physical conditions. The stretching classes consisted of 15 different exercises. Each stretching was held for one minute and repeated once, with a total of 52 minutes of exercise.


Night Walk through the center of São Paulo is a physical activity option

Night Walk through the center of São Paulo is a physical activity option

Is exercise easier to practice than walking? To escape from sedentary lifestyle, this is the simplest way to start. And you do not even need to join a gym - just put foot on the street and still enjoy getting to know the city. Those who are interested in the activity can take advantage of the Night Walk project, which promotes a cultural and free two-hour tour around the Municipal Theater - its starting point and end.
