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Pregnancy symptoms: find out if you are pregnant

Pregnancy symptoms: find out if you are pregnant

When the woman becomes pregnant, the body undergoes different changes to adapt to the baby that is developing and thus the first symptoms of pregnancy arise. Some are easily noticeable, such as delayed menstruation, others take a little longer to appear and are not always related to pregnancy, such as an increase in the flow of saliva.

Therefore, we list the main symptoms that suggest a pregnancy and may justify a consultation with your gynecologist:

1. Many symptoms of pregnancy may appear at different times, but there is no more accurate symptom than delayed menstruation. It occurs because the blood of menstruation is nothing more than a layer that the uterus produces to better accommodate the embryo, and that is eliminated when gestation does not occur. That is, if menstruation did not go down, most likely and that blood would be used for its original purpose!

For women who have 28-day menstrual cycles, this means that if menstruation is delayed by up to two days, You can suspect! The problem is that many do not have so much control of their menstruation. "In these cases, the woman tends to distrust after a certain time, with the appearance of the other symptoms", considers House

2. Numbness

Nausea is the most classic symptom of the first trimester. "Some women may start presenting it early in the second week after fertilization," says obstetrician and obstetrician Corintio Mariani Neto, a member of the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the State of São Paulo (SOGESP). But of course the time of onset and intensity varies from woman to woman, although it is rare not to show it.

Nausea occurs due to hormonal changes. "The most accepted theory is that the hormone beta-HCG causes them, because it reaches its maximum peak in the body of the pregnant woman close to nine weeks and then begins to decrease in circulation at the same time that the nausea begins to pass," relates the specialist.

3. Bigger and More Sensitive Breasts

Another well-known symptom is changes in the breasts. This is because the gestation process causes them to begin to develop so that the woman can produce milk in breastfeeding, with an increase of the glands and the vascularization. "The breast becomes numb, more turgid and painful, and can increase up to one or two bra sizes," says gynecologist Luiz Fernando Dale, a specialist in Human Reproduction and director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine in Rio de Janeiro. Some women are so sensitive in the region that their breasts hurt even in their movements, such as pulling them up.

4. Darker arteries

With so much activity and changes in the breasts, there is an increase in the vascularization of the region, which even justifies such sensitivity in these organs. With this the breasts of the breasts tend to become darker than before. "Some women, over time, end up with a second areola a bit lighter than the original around them," Mariani explains.

5. Small Bleeding

Many women report a small bleeding early in pregnancy, usually attributed to the time the embryo implants itself in the wall of the uterus, since fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes, closer to the ovary. Experts are divided as to the occurrence of this bleeding. Many believe that it may not happen, while others say yes, it is even common to find women who claim to have "menstruated" early in pregnancy. Increased urinary frequency

Woman in the bathroom - pregnancy symptom - Photo: Getty Images

In the beginning of pregnancy it is common to increase the urge to go to the bathroom, especially from the second month of gestation. "As the uterus grows, it repositions itself in the body, and it compresses the bladder. It is common for the pregnant woman to wake up at night with a great urge to urinate, but to have little fluid," says Mariani. Of course, this urinary frequency increases throughout the gestation, with the growth of the uterus and the fetus, and it is much more discreet at the beginning. According to the specialist, the bladder adapts to this initial change and then, with the baby's fit close to the time of delivery, the urge to urinate returns.7. Abdominal enlargement

Obviously the belly is only really visible from the middle to the end of pregnancy, however, from the beginning the more alert women may notice a small increase in the abdomen, as if she were getting a little fat and this can be an early sign as well. In part it is a change of place that the uterus has of size and location to begin to accommodate the baby. But there is also the influence that pregnancy hormones exert on the digestive system. "As there is a reduction in the intestinal transit, there is a swelling of the region," explains Mariani

8. Constipation and Gas Uptake

The bowel is totally affected by gestation: progesterone reduces intestinal transit, ie, the bolus takes much longer to make its way until it is excreted as stool. That is, stool becomes something much more time consuming from the beginning, which even increases the abdominal swelling.

9. Low gas and colic

As a consequence, the pregnant woman also accumulates many more gases. "When the food bolus does not walk, the gases get trapped too, which can cause colic and discomfort," explains Dale.

Because of this, it is common for the pregnant woman to have small intestinal cramps, besides the small common colic of the uterus . "It is important that these cramps are not intense and do not last for very long periods, or it can mean some problem in pregnancy," says Mariani. Aversion to strong smells

Woman smelling bad - pregnancy symptom - Photo: Getty Images

It is not known why, but women often have changes in taste and smell during pregnancy. "It is very common for a pregnant woman who loved pastels, for example, to spend a good amount of gestation without being able to smell it without feeling sick," Mariani says. With the changes in smell, the pregnant woman may have food cravings for both common and non-edible items, such as dirt, bricks, plastic, etc. This eating disorder is called pica and has a more emotional background and is common in the first trimester of pregnancy. "Normally, when the pregnant woman has these symptoms, it is important to investigate whether she is not having a family problem or with her husband," says Mariani

12 . Emotional Instability

Pregnant women tend to be sensitive and an increase in ease of crying may also be a symptom of pregnancy. For Dale, it's all about fluid retention. "There may be a build up of fluid in the head, which presses the brain and changes the area of ​​humor," explains the specialist. Also, it is important to remember that pregnancy is a whirlwind of new emotions, especially for those who are expecting the first child. Doubts about the baby's health, how it will be delivered, and whether she will be able to breastfeed, all go through her mind, as well as the insecurity of starting a new experience.

13. Increased libido

Some pregnant women report having increased sexual libido. From the hormonal point of view, this may even make sense. "In the first trimester, hormone production still occurs in the ovary, and because it is overstimulated, it can end up producing too much testosterone, a hormone linked to sexual desire," says Dale. However, with so many other symptoms occurring, such as nausea, constipation and gas, many pregnant women do not even want to know about sex throughout their pregnancy.

14. Increased salivation

The pregnant woman has an increased production of all the secretions of the body: sweat, discharge, tears ... and saliva! What can happen relatively often is the pregnant woman producing too much saliva. "I've seen a lot of patients come to the office with a wipe to spit because saliva production is so great that swallowing can increase nausea," says Mariani. Therefore, this may be another early pregnancy symptom.


It is important to note that pregnancy symptoms are not the same for all women. "There are women who are already four months pregnant and may not notice it, while others already have nausea in the week after fertilization," the gynecologist points out. "It all depends on the sensitivity of each, the moment each symptom appears is very variable. In addition, small protuberances may develop in the areolas, which often frighten first-time mothers. "In fact, they are just the Montgomery Tuber, sebaceous glands that help the skin in the area to stay more hydrated," teaches the specialist.

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Nausea in pregnancy? Know methods to avoid this nuisance and enjoy pregnancy

Nausea in pregnancy? Know methods to avoid this nuisance and enjoy pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting usually occur between 5 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. From 50% to 90% of women have some degree of nausea, with or without vomiting. The severity of these symptoms may vary from woman to woman. "Morning sickness" is the term often used to describe common mild nausea during pregnancy, while hyperemesis gravidarum is the term used to describe a more serious condition.
