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Let go of pride and look for new relationships

Let go of pride and look for new relationships

Human relations are increasingly scarce. Paradoxically, there was never a time in history when we had so much access to communication. Technology today allows us to contact any country at any time of the day or night. But relating is much more than maintaining any form of communication with the other. It is a kind of surrender through the sense organs. It is to give your heart and mind to the other and expect the same from him. This includes all forms of relationship: the professional, the loving, the social, the family.

The main requirement for us to enter this world of exchange is to be whole or integrated with ourselves.

It is very important for us to know our real lives, to know our people, our longings, our faults, our joys, we find the substratum of the human being, and it is easier and more natural to reach the human on the other side of the relationship. needs, our faults and our yearnings. Knowing these things, it is much easier to maintain a relationship.

A great tip for this to happen is, before we begin a dialogue with the other, to ask ourselves, "what do I need from the other?", "What I do I really want this time? " In responding to these questions, we are simultaneously coming into contact with our own lack (self-knowledge) and opening to the other a window of possibility for an authentic relationship to be established. An exchange that nourishes us in our real need and nourishes the other in its capacity as a giver.

Now, but you could ask, "But if I tell the other that I need him or something he can give me, I will not be making you vulnerable, lowered, exposing my weaknesses? " Yes! You are exposing a lack, a need. And the pride inherent in the human race is that it is so difficult to expose. But without it, there is no way to know the necessity or the attainment of our desire.

If pride prevails, there is a great deal of manipulation. We end up saying or doing things for the other to say or do something we want. Anyone on the other side feels manipulated, even if the sensation is not conscious. And it acts in the same way in the future. That is, manipulating. But if we use the first person of the singular in any dialogue, we will be offering the opportunity to the other to open the carcass of pride and lend us the ears of the soul. It's to say, "I miss you so much," instead of "you just want to know about your friends." The first sentence exposes our lack and our desire. The second is an accusation, a charge. No one likes to be accused or charged, but everyone likes to be wanted and wanted.

Nothing more engranding and brave than being able to admit and face our own imperfection and incompleteness. Therefore, it is very important that we know our real needs, our faults and our yearnings. This is how we become whole and apt to be in relationship.

Learn to organize your time

Learn to organize your time

Time is one of the most valuable resources that exists; even though it is something external to us, we can govern it. Time is practically all ours if we make an alliance with him. Commanding time is above all, organizing one's life within the 24 hours received each day by everyone. Therefore, managing yourself is the basis for governing time.


6 Benefits of the body vibrator

6 Benefits of the body vibrator

The vibrator is one of the popular and popular sexual accessories, being an excellent option to satisfy in moments of solitude and also for the fun of the couple when the sex fell into the routine. However, there are still many taboos about the toy on the part of both sexes, who believe that the vibrator is a substitute in sexual intercourse.
