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Regulating children's nutrition requires guidance and example at home

Regulating children's nutrition requires guidance and example at home

Children's day-to-day life is full of gastronomic "temptations", right? However, good nutrition is a fundamental condition for the physical, mental and social well-being of children. But it is not always easy to get them under control in the midst of sweets, snacks, sodas, and fried foods offered in the school canteen, grandma's house, and supermarket shelves, right?

First six months

No first year of life, the development of the baby is very fast and, therefore, needs greater care with food. In the first six months the only food source should be breast milk on demand, without the need for any other supplement, not even water. If there is any factor that does not allow this breastfeeding, the child should receive formulas specific to his age, but everything indicated by doctors and specialists.

From the six months, the baby is ready for complementary foods, such as vegetables, meats and fruits, as well as water. However, breast milk should continue to be the main food source.

From the second to the sixth year of life

At this stage, the child already eats the same food as the family. It is a phase of extreme importance in the formation of eating habits. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus snacks between meal breaks, are of the utmost importance. In this period, it is important to offer a small volume of food because the child has a smaller appetite and a large plate can be a way to discourage food at that time. The greatest concern should be with the quality of meals, to prevent nutritional deficiencies. The minerals and vitamins that must be monitored are iron, calcium, zinc, vitamins A and D. In addition, it is important to establish a fixed mealtime routine and avoid "nipping" out of order, which will compromise the next meal

Child obesity

"It is necessary to promote a balance between quality and quantity of food eaten, since a well-fed child grows and develops well, has a better school performance, is more resistant to diseases and, when sick, has a faster, more active recovery "

It is increasingly common in our society. Although the genetic factor is one of the determining factors, in general, the major triggers of the problem are the excessive intake of fat, sugars and low consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables, in addition to lack of physical activity. When a child develops obesity in the first two years of life, it increases the likelihood that they will continue to develop into adolescence and adulthood, and are more likely to develop diabetes, respiratory problems, hypertension, and heart problems. between quality and quantity of food eaten, because a well-fed child grows and develops well, has a better school performance, is more resistant to diseases and, when he falls ill, has a faster, more active recovery. But nothing to impose bans. The child must learn to deal with all kinds of food, since what is forbidden usually draws more attention.

In order to avoid eating the snacks offered in school canteens that, unfortunately, are still lacking, the ideal is to prepare the child's meal at home and bet on options such as: whole-grain biscuits , dairy drinks that do not require refrigeration, natural sandwiches or with homemade pates, grated vegetables and fruits. All without forgetting the right way to store food, of course!

The family is the basis for the development of eating habits. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a calm environment at the moment of the meal, encouraging the consumption of varied foods, such as different fruits, vegetables and vegetables, as well as attractive preparations with little salt and fat. Sugar is another item that must be careful that the child does not develop a greater attraction for extremely sweet preparations. Another factor that, although it does not fit into food, but it is worth remembering is: physical activity and exposure to the sun are fundamental for bone growth and also for motor development and more quality of life!

- In fresh fruit, with bark wherever possible, in the form of unsweetened juices and unprocessed juices, such as skimmed milk (only after two years of age), yogurts and cheeses

  • - Varied vegetables, more colors, greater nutritional wealth

  • - Unsweetened breakfast cereals, breads and whole buns, rice and whole noodles

  • - The famous rice-bean mixture should not water is one of our main foods and must compose the intervals between meals

  • - Lean meats, in addition to egg, do not must be missing

  • - Good fats, such as those contained in various nuts, olive oil, avocado etc.

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