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Race practice during the summer requires special care

Race practice during the summer requires special care

Among the most common musculoskeletal problems, cramp stands out. These are involuntary and painful contractions of a muscle or a group of muscles that affect only the striated muscles and affect mainly the posterior muscles of the leg (gastrocnemius muscle), and can start at any stage of physical activity. The etiology is controversial. It begins most often after intense muscle contraction and consequent shortening of the affected muscle.

Untrained individuals are more prone to fluid loss, electrolytes, and increased muscle energy.

Generally, it originates from fasciculation of an isolated muscle group, or the association of muscle groups that start contracting in a disordered manner.

In summer, with high temperatures, running can lead to increased water loss and drop in electrolyte levels, such as sodium (hyponatremia). In addition, the body also uses muscle sodium when the source of glycogen ends, and hyperirritability may occur in some nerve endings that become hyperexcited, causing mechanical stress around them. The result is spontaneous muscle contractions, that is, cramps.

Of course, such causes are more common in the summer, but the physical preparation of the aisle is very important to minimize such problems.

Other factors that favor the occurrence of cramps are diseases such as diabetes, neurological diseases, or vascular problems.

It is important to note that deficiencies of other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, can cause muscle cramps and neuromotor problems.

Other factors that favor cramps are diseases such as diabetes, neurological diseases or vascular problems. There is some evidence that the use of certain dietary supplements, such as creatine, may increase the risk of muscle cramps. Cramps may be momentarily interrupted by an active contraction of the antagonist muscle to the affected muscle or by a forced passive stretching of this muscle . After resolution of the pain, the muscle shows changes in excitability and contractility, showing fasciculate for a few minutes. The muscle can remain sore for a few days, depending on the intensity of the cramp.

How to avoid cramps


Stretch and warm up the muscles before starting physical activity;


3. Restore sodium levels during intense exercise intervals and with heavy sweating with sports drinks or with foods containing sodium;

4. Adequate intake of carbohydrates to avoid the use of muscle protein as a form of energy;

5. Ensure adequate nutritional recovery. If the picture persists, despite the care taken, you should seek a doctor to better approach your case.

Animated music makes you work out more, says study

Animated music makes you work out more, says study

Listening to busy music can help you work out longer and harder in the gym, researchers say. The study found that those who listened to energy music could maintain physical activity for about 10 percent longer than those who work in silence. Researchers also said that physicians should consider prescribing music in situations that it was necessary to encourage patients to exercise more.


Do you know how to breathe properly while running?

Do you know how to breathe properly while running?

Running is a very demanding aerobic activity involving oxygen metabolism as a source power. Hence the great importance of the way you breathe while running: this determines the calorie consumption and the performance of your workout. But no paranoia. Breathing is something natural and therefore will vary according to the needs of your body.
