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Australian research found lower level of stress hormone in those who stopped using social network

Australian research found lower level of stress hormone in those who stopped using social network

People left without Facebook had lower rates of cortisol, and reported greater well-being and less stress, compared to the group that continued using the social network.

The study was conducted in partnership between the Catholic Universities of Australia and Queensland.

In order to reduce anxiety about social networks, we do not need to take such drastic measures as deleting the profile. It is possible to try to reduce the time that is connected, making, for example, a detox of the cellular. Check out a few steps to make it possible:

Disable notifications: they remind you that your cell phone is there

Buy an alarm to leave the device turned off at night

Keep moments in memory: sometimes, expose your routine is not beneficial for you

  • Leave to use it in the intervals of studies or work
  • Do not be afraid to turn it off
  • Listen to who is by your side and see if they consider your excessive use
  • Be rational and ask yourself if you are really expecting a response.
  • Seek professional help if you feel that the relationship can be an addiction

  • Attachment to material goods signals low self-esteem

    Attachment to material goods signals low self-esteem

    Having a comfortable life and no financial worries is an almost universal desire. However, the exacerbated desire to have designer clothes, state-of-the-art electronics, expensive and luxurious products and services does not follow the same logic and may signal a problem: low self-esteem. The evil of modern society, where status is valued by consumption and exclusivity, affects mainly children and adolescents, according to a study done in the United States.


    Men and women are going through social changes

    Men and women are going through social changes

    The media have insisted on giving the man the role of victim when they try to assess the challenges they have found today in dealing with the emancipated woman of our times. These are stories that speak of the stunning of men before the new woman. It is interesting to stop to think that questions are those that travel through the roles played by the genres and that provoke this perplexity, as if it were something unrelated to reality, history , of customs.
