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See how Dayse managed to lose 16 kilos

See how Dayse managed to lose 16 kilos

Since adolescence Dayse Almeida Moren , 34, had problems with his weight. "I've done a lot of crazy diets, I was losing weight fast, but I was getting fatter even faster." She even made the protein diet, with which she lost 8 pounds in two months. "But she made me very grumpy and when I stopped doing this diet I got it all back very fast." After all, it is impossible to keep the menus of these diets crazy for the rest of your life.

Once, while searching the internet for ways to lose weight, Dayse found the Diet and Health weight loss program based on the points diet. "I saw that the proposal was to lose weight, eating what you like, without starving or wanting. I confess that that information moved me, I thought, 'Is that right?' I reluctantly signed, because I've had so much disappointment in this weight loss area and it seemed so simple methodology, which I doubted. "

When he decided to sign the Diet and Health, Dayse saw that the promise was reality. "I did not have to cut anything from my food, just cut back on unhealthy foods such as pizza." With DS, I followed my normal life. "

Before participating in the Diet and Health, was not at all healthy. "I did not eat fruits, vegetables, vegetables and I hardly drank water, and I ate a lot of bread, hamburger and pizza." These habits, in addition to leading to weight gain, also detracted from Dayse's health. "I had a lot of constipation, I felt bloated all the time."

With the Diet and Health, Dayse's eating habits have completely changed. "Today, as vegetables, fruits and vegetables daily, I drink a lot of water and reduce consumption of hamburgers and pizza a lot. Before, it was common instead of dinner, I stop at the snack bar and eat snacks, this is no longer the case." Before the Diet and Health, Dayse was completely sedentary and now she walks constantly.

It took about a year and a half to reach her goal: losing 16 pounds. In the midst of the weight loss process, Dayse had a special apprenticeship as she managed to reach her goal. "But the first time this happened, I stopped using the dot diary and gained 5 kilograms, so I understood that if I did not pay attention to what I ate, I would get fat."

Following this experience, Dayse resumed the Diet and Health and managed to lose the 16 pounds. She has been in maintenance for five months and this time has not abandoned the point journal. "I fill it out daily and I always learn something new about healthy eating," he says.

The benefits of changing habits have gone far beyond weight loss. "My skin condition has gone, even my skin has improved, the disposition is also greater, before I climbed a hill and tired, not now."

Today, Dayse is even thinner than when he started having problems with weight in adolescence. "I made a dream, I never thought I would get back to the weight I wanted." The Diet and Health really transforms people's lives, if they have that focus on being healthy, it's the best option. "

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