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Shyness can create barriers to personal development

Shyness can create barriers to personal development

The heart that shoots, the hands that tremble, the voice that fails, the words that come out, the blush that takes care of the face, the fear of making mistakes and ridicule, insecurity and shame are reactions and feelings familiar to the shy in the face of certain social situations.

Often, the shy encounter many difficulties in exposing themselves to a group, to an important person, or even to investing affectively in someone. These difficulties and feelings are often paralyzing and overcoming these barriers can be painful, requiring a great deal of energy expenditure, especially in a society where extroversion, exposure and networking (including networking ) are valued for success and recognition. Most often, self-awareness for the shy is marked by negative distortions associated with feelings

Timidity is a complex process of interpersonal relationship difficulties, which affects different areas of life: affective, professional, emotional and social; manifesting itself in the body, in the mind, in thought, and in the "I." Most of the time, the self-perception of the shy is marked by negative distortions associated with feelings, attitudes and behaviors of lesser value that lead the individual to to create a series of fears and fantasies about oneself and the risks involved in self-expression, whether verbal or gestural.

In everyday life we ​​find a considerable number of people who declare themselves shy or inhibited in social situations.

However, it is important to note that shyness is not a social or mental illness, so much so that it is not listed in the DSM-IV. (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Ed) and in ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases - 10th Rev.), differently from social phobia.

Although some somatic manifestations are similar and social anxiety is present both in shyness as in social phobia, there are considerable differences between each of these conditions. In social phobia, anxiety attacks are much more intense, with great possibilities of panic attack occurrence and need to escape the environment, causing the individual to lose the notion of himself. Another feature of the social phobic, which we do not observe in the timid, is negative self-assessment in all interactive situations with the other, perception of the "other" as a constant threat, an enemy ready to "take advantage." In other words, the source of the danger to the shy is internal rather than external to the phobic.

The confusion between shyness and introversion is also very common, as both have similar characteristics, such as: restricted verbalization, withdrawal, and flight of agglomerations, but there are significant differences between the shy and the introverted, which is not to say that one feature excludes the other.

Jung was one of the theorists who went deeper into the study of introversion and, his work, noted that there are people with different attitudes who relate in different ways to the outer and inner world.

People who have an extrovert personality usually focus their attention on the outside world. In an objective way they orient themselves according to the environment, constructing their values ​​and subordinating the subjective processes to the object. Already for people who have an introverted attitude, the center of attention is the inner world itself and they orient themselves through their own impressions, emotions and thoughts.

Introversion is a healthy capacity to get in tune with the inner world. While the introverts possess social skills, seeking isolation to replenish and / or retain their energy. The timid uses isolation as an escape due to fear of judgment and lack of self-confidence in the face of social situations that require interaction. In the timid, suffering is provoked precisely by the conflict between the desire for social contact and the inhibition that blocks and blocks it.Some studies note the predominance of the introverted attitude among the timid, however, we can not say that the predominance of this attitude in their psyche always occurs. An extroverted child may be shy, failing to develop what would initially be their main attitude, by the influence of the environment.

Shyness can in many ways hamper and create barriers to individual development, however, it is not a determinant for failure. Barriers and difficulties can be overcome with personal commitment, because there is the flexibility of human nature that can adjust to the demands of the environment and this is proven by the large number of people who can cope with shyness.

However, it is important to emphasize that this confrontation is a process that demands of the person greater knowledge of himself, his own beliefs, difficulties and especially his own potentialities.

One in three Brazilians blame the woman for rape

One in three Brazilians blame the woman for rape

Every 11 minutes a woman is raped in Brazil, totaling an average of 50,000 cases reported annually, according to data from the Brazilian Forum of Public Security - FBSP. However, these are only the cases that come to the attention of the police, equivalent to 10% of the real number: the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) points out that the total amount of cases of sexual abuse should reach almost 500 thousand annually.


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