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Therapy helps you with problems that hinder happiness

Therapy helps you with problems that hinder happiness

It is very frequent to receive in my office a person complaining about the spouse because he thinks he needs if you treat, but you do not accept it because you think it "is not crazy to need therapy". Marriage is on the verge of collapse, the relationship is getting worse every day-and often has been wearing out for years-but one of them refuses to seek help from a professional to improve the situation.

whoever goes in search of therapy is usually the one who has the best view of what is going on in the relationship and therefore is more aware of the need for help. However, when this person undergoes treatment, he "indirectly" takes the spouse too, insofar as it brings about situations that involve him in all sessions. In general, the person seeking help gets a little frustrated by not being able to convince the other of the importance and necessity of treatment.

I wonder: why suffer so much, endanger important relationships in your life and often the work, just to say that it gives account of the problems themselves, however visible it is that this is not happening? Proud? Preconception?

What therapy can do for you?

Therapy is a process of self-knowledge, where the client, with the help of a professional trained and able to do so, will understand the reasons (or causes) of the problems that keep you from being happy in life, discovering new ways to put yourself in certain situations or react to them, from a new understanding of your way of functioning emotionally. problems of childhood, with a strong emotion that was not properly received or elaborated at the time, which are reflected in current situations, seemingly unrelated to that fact of the past. When the problem is understood in therapy, it is as if a piece of a puzzle were embedded, giving meaning to several other situations and emotions previously not understood. From there, the person can choose how to continue living, usually with more authenticity and confidence in himself, learning to put himself in the place of the other, taking responsibility for his decisions, having more clarity of his feelings and understanding the reason for many attitudes that she has.

This work takes place from a weekly meeting, where the frequency and constancy of these meetings will provide conditions for the person, dedicating time exclusively to himself, invest in his emotional issues,

There are more serious cases where a psychiatrist's follow-up is needed to administer some medication, which should not be as frightening as it sounds. Medicine is there to help us, and if we need to use it, why not?

Medication alone only lessens or ends the symptoms presented, but their cause is still there, and this is the focus on therapy - because if we do not understand the causes of the problems, when we stop the medicine they will return as before. If just taking drugs would work, such a "happiness pill" (as Prozac was called as soon as it started to be marketed) would solve all our problems, right? So if your emotions or difficulties are harming your personal relationships and / or professionals, be sure to seek therapeutic help. Are you going to call him "crazy"? Crazy is one who prefers to put their happiness to lose in the name of what others will think or speak. Be more yourself and take responsibility for your emotional health!

Coaching: a tool to reach your goals

Coaching: a tool to reach your goals

Coaching is a coach coaching model with coachee (client), with meeting numbers usually ranging from ten to twelve sessions. This model can be face-to-face or remote (over the internet). The goal is to help coachee achieve excellence in achieving its desired short, medium and long term goals. The focus is always on the present and the future of the client, leaving issues of the past outside of this work model.
