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Treatment for schizophrenia and bipolar depression is approved by Anvisa

Treatment for schizophrenia and bipolar depression is approved by Anvisa

The new product is Latuda (lurasidone hydrochloride), an antipsychotic that should be marketed in 20mg, 40mg and 80mg tablets in 7, 14, 30 or 60 tablets.

According to the organ, the remedy brings some improvements to the patient as the low change of metabolic profile, which means less weight gain and limited changes in the body's fat and glucose profile.

However, because it is an antipsychotic , Latuda was placed in the category of controlled drugs and its sale will be made only with special revenue in two ways. The drug had already been approved in Europe and the US

Girl dies after scorpion sting.

Girl dies after scorpion sting.

In Jacareí, a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Manuela Paixão Brito Felix, 3 years old died after receiving a scorpion sting. She played at the door of her house with her brother the moment the animal appeared. The girl received care on the spot, being medicated against the poison, but her condition was aggravated and she had to be referred to another hospital, where she died.


Urinary incontinence may be related to pregnancy and childbirth

Urinary incontinence may be related to pregnancy and childbirth

Bipedal position, lack of exercise, work and posture (women used to work, urinate, and evacuate with squatting) makes the muscles more flaccid and dysfunctional. Studies show that 25% to 30% of women have some type of Pelvic Floor Disorder (PAD): Urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse (bladder, rectum or bowel), Fecal incontinence (IF) or Hyperactive Bladder Syndrome ).
