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Very strict diets can put an end to your mood

Very strict diets can put an end to your mood

Bad mood, depression and anxiety can be the result of an unbalanced diet, usually adopted by those who want to lose weight quickly. Although they work momentarily, diets too strict are not healthy, they do not help to lose weight in a sustainable way and can still detonate their emotional side.

The nutritionist responsible for Diet and Health Roberta Stella has a scientific explanation for mood swings caused by restrictive diets. According to her, studies suggest that serotonin, a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system associated with the feeling of well-being, contributes to the satiety reached after a meal. Research has shown that a food plan containing, for example, one thousand calories per day and low carbohydrate (bread, wafer, oatmeal, cereal bar, pasta, rice, potatoes and everything containing wheat flour) affects the level of serotonin in the healthy women.

Here's how to control mood during diet - Photo: Getty Images

Anemia can be another reason for problem in rigid regimes. The disease is caused by iron deficiency, found in foods such as red meat, fish, watercress, kale, beans, chickpeas, lentils and brown sugar. "As incredible as it sounds, it is more common in obese people than in people with healthy weight and can cause tremendous tiredness and a lot of mood swings," explains nutritionist Ligia Henriques. Fluid retention, constipation, and lack of other important nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus can also disrupt mood.

From the psychological point of view, this is due to the fact that in the act of eating there is immediate satisfaction of a pleasure, explains psychologist Ana Kiyan. "Even more so when life is boring, with few compensations, eating food, especially caloric, instantly rewards life," he says. In addition, marked restriction in diet requires a high disciplinary sacrifice. "Because of the earlier tendency of overeating in food, the body will be begging for satisfaction all the time, leading the individual to keep a constant duel with himself."


There are some guidelines for maintaining mood during a diet. For starters, the ideal is to adopt a balanced plan. "Those who are fighting against the scales should aim at re-education of food, replacing previous foods with healthier ones, avoiding at all costs to feel hunger.

With weight loss, you will find that happiness obtained through sweets , masses and fats in excess, "says Ana.

Ligia stresses that it is important to maintain a healthy social life, with small" slides "food programmed. "We must take pleasure in the diet, it has to be a choice, not an imposition"

Roberta also indicates the practice of activities that give pleasure as doing manual work and reading. Drinking about two liters of water a day and doing some kind of physical exercise are also recommended actions. It can even be a simple 30 minute walk a day. This is because, when performing some physical activity, the body releases substances that produce the feeling of well-being. Thus, it is much easier to maintain a healthy body and mind.

Whole grains and whole grains must be eaten to the right extent

Whole grains and whole grains must be eaten to the right extent

Consume whole grains and cereals is something recommended for a good functioning of the body, especially with regard to the digestive system. After all, these foods, increasingly used as a source of fiber, help in proper digestion, preventing constipation, reducing cholesterol and high triglyceride rates, preventing diseases such as cancer in the stomach and intestines, among other benefits.


Find out how the time you eat can influence your weight

Find out how the time you eat can influence your weight

All people have a biological clock, each with its specific characteristics. Some individuals are more diurnal and other nocturnal, knowing their biological clock is essential to understand the best time to do certain things, such as physical exercises, sleeping and even eating. To recognize your time for day-to-day activities you just have to pay attention to your body, noting the time that has the most energy and disposition.
