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Weight loss requires behavior change

Weight loss requires behavior change

Nothing is more interesting than new news to lose weight, and there are plenty of options to achieve this end and end the terrible concert effect that frights so many overweight and obese people in the world. In this context of obesity we see a huge range of subject matter experts searching for effective alternatives to control the obesity pandemic, and many studies are being conducted.

A recent news item on this subject is the release of the medication with the name of Qnexa , an anti-obesity drug released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and manufactured by Vivus lab, he had the recommendation denied in July 2010 and received a fresh start earlier this year when experts from an internal committee considered his benefits greater than the risks for people with weight-related illnesses.

Like any new medication on the market, it brings a light and a chance to fulfill the dream of thousands of people who seek health. But it is important to be aware that not always the options that appear in the market are effective for all people, it is important to change your lifestyle, whether in search of the lean body or in relation to health in a global way. > In this process many situations are correlated, and we know how factors such as overeating and lack of quality end up being what most lead people to gain weight. The fast and convenient food offerings are in supermarkets, at

f ast-food stores, making life easier for everyone. These same foods that are not suitable for quality gain space in the life of the population, even because the taste stirs up the desire to consume them. "Not always the options that appear in the market are effective for all people , being important the change of habits of life, either in search of the lean body or in relation to the health of a global form "

When we feed in the wrong way and next to this aspect we become idle, the obesity gains space, since we ingest very more than we spend in terms of energy, accumulating in the body these terrible fats that deform us and lead us to despair, low self-esteem, depression, search for miraculous diets, teas, fasts, in an unguided and inadequate way, further strengthening the cycle of obesity.

I raise the question of why we enter into a vicious cycle of eating and accommodating ourselves, and one of the factors that prevails in large cities is the stress of traffic, of work, with no motivation enough action to invest in the second day, which is to work the body. Many are the accounts of people who, when leaving the service, just want to go home to rest, or even with other activities to be fulfilled in their home, end up being discouraged to open another space in their schedules to take care of themselves.

In this way, it is evident that, despite the emergence of new alternatives for weight loss or control, we need to be aware that taking care of our emotions, body and diet is a process that should be performed daily, regardless of weight. Yes, because being thin does not necessarily mean being healthy. Taking care of what is our greatest asset, which is our health, should be a priority in our day to day, in order to be able to do this. form, to maintain good humor, happiness, well-being.

About 60% of young people with obesity have at least one risk factor for heart disease

About 60% of young people with obesity have at least one risk factor for heart disease

Was that heart disease has also hit overweight people every time early. The data were collected by experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States. The finding was made from the follow-up of 3,383 young people between the ages of 12 and 19 from 1999> to 2008. researchers observed whether participants would develop prehypertension, hypertension, cholesterol, and other risk factors for heart disease.


Allergies: Understand the dangers of self-medication during seizures

Allergies: Understand the dangers of self-medication during seizures

When a person has any symptoms related to allergy allergy, it is always indicated to seek a specialist, the allergist. Once the diagnosis is made and the medication is prescribed, it is always good to ask the doctor if you are going to have a similar situation in the future if it would be appropriate to use the same medicine.
