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Yoga can be important adjunct to diabetes control

Yoga can be important adjunct to diabetes control

A study published in the journal Diabetes Care found that taking yoga classes helps people with type 2 diabetes lose weight and keep their blood sugar level stable . The analysis was supported by scientists from the Srinivas Institute of Medical Science and Research Center in India.

123 middle-aged and elderly adults were analyzed. About half of them underwent yoga classes at least twice a week for three months.

The results showed that those who practiced yoga not only lost weight but also maintained a stable level of blood sugar compared to those who did not practice. The mean body index in this period (BMI) fell from 25.9 to 25.4. The BMI that indicates obesity is between 25 and 30. In addition, according to the study, signs of so-called oxidative stress - a result, for example, of free radicals - decreased in the yoga group.

Type 2 Diabetes

As findings do not suggest that yoga practice replaces other forms of exercise, but that it is a coadjuvant in controlling the disease, since it is directly related to obesity.

Watching videos of cats controls anxiety and brings positive thoughts

Watching videos of cats controls anxiety and brings positive thoughts

Kitten videos are a phenomenon on the internet - and they do more than just entertain. Research from Indiana University has shown that watching videos with felines can increase viewers' energy, spark positive emotions, and lessen negative feelings. The results were published in the latest issue of the newspaper Computers in Human Behavior .


Simple exercises improve your heart beat

Simple exercises improve your heart beat

Our heart has a set of 40,000 neurons, a "mini brain" that makes you sensitive and capable behavior in accordance with their perceptions. The heart reacts to what it perceives, influencing the whole body, including the brain. The tum tum of our heart has both the beats that accelerate our functioning and the beats that seek to stop the acceleration.
